Clay; Stages Of Using And Preserving Clay

Welcome to class.

  • Dry clay stage: This consists of water taken out of clay for moulding. They are easier to store like forever due to little amount of moisture or water present in it.

  • Slip stage clay: This is the use of slip glue to hold clay together. Slip are great to decorate with by using different powders or even bottles to make beautiful designs.

  • Leather stage clay: This is when the clay is hardened a little more so you can trim, add handles, and make other alterations before the clay gets too hard. The clay is called leather hard because it has the feel of soft leather. The clay has stiffened up enough to be to able handle it without marking it up with your fingers.

  • Bone dry stage: This is when the moisture is totally out of clay and dry enough to be creamed with fire. Some potters do candle it just to make sure it’s dry.


  1. Explain what you understand by (i) Dry clay stage (ii) Slip clay stage (iii) Bone dry stage

We have come to the end of the class.  See you in the next class.

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