Distribution I

Welcome to today’s class!!

We are thrilled to have you in our class!!

In today’s Marketing class, we will be learning about Distribution I

Have you thought about what happens next after you decide to produce a good? The goods you buy from the market, how did they get there? Let’s examine this!


Distribution I

distribution of goods

We can take distribution to be a process of making goods and services available to end users or customers who require them. Its primary objective is to efficiently store and handle the products and supply them in the best possible condition to consumers in different locations.

Remember how we started by talking about the goods you buy from the market. Distribution is the reason why Mama Chinedu has the same products in Enugu as Mama Bunmi in Ibadan. 

Distribution refers to the flow of goods and services from the producer or manufacturer to the buyer or consumer. 

Businesses can improve customer retention by ensuring that the products reach the consumers timely and easily.

The distribution channel is the chain of intermediaries or businesses through which the goods and services flow. 

This channel can be long or short, depending on the number of intermediaries necessary to make the goods and services available to consumers in different regions. 

Distribution management is fundamental to any business’s sales and involves various activities.

In summary, Distribution refers to the flow of goods and services from the producer or manufacturer to the buyer or consumer. Businesses can improve customer retention by ensuring that the products reach the consumers timely and easily.


What is Distribution?


Reading Assignment

How can businesses improve in distributing their goods? 


Weekend Assignment

Explain what a distribution channel is. 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be learning about Distribution II.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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