Welcome to class!
In today’s class, we will be talking about the economic importance of resources gotten from plants and animals. Enjoy the class!
Economic Importance of Resources Gotten from Plants and Animals
Importance to self
The existence of plants and animals has played important roles in human lives. Many people would not have survived without the help of several resources derived from plants and animals. Some of the importance of plants and animals to self-development are
- Plants and animals’ resources provide job opportunities for individuals.
- Plants and animals provide food, e.g. meat, egg, honey, milk, etc. to maintain health.
- Domestic animals are used as pets, e.g. cat, dog, pig, parrot, etc.
- Plants and animals are used as medicine to cure, prevent, and treat different kinds of ailments.
- Some animals are used for security purposes, e.g. dog.
- Plants and animals serve as a source of income for farmers through the sale of farm produce.
- Plants and animal wastes can be used as fuel in domestic cooking e.g. dry leaf, cow dung.
- Some animal is used as a means of transportation, e.g. camel, donkey horses, etc.
- Plants and animals waste can serve as good farmyard manure, e.g. cow dung, decayed leaves.
- Plants and animals are used as tools.
Importance to society
Some of the importance of plants and animals to society development include;
- Plants and animals’ resource provide raw materials for several manufacturing companies. For example, coal is used as fuel f cooking and used to produce thermal energy in industries Limestone is used in the production of cement.
- They lead to national wealth development through different foreign exchange policies.
- Plants and animals produce strengthen international relationships between countries through importation and exportation.
- Plant and animal resources can reduce crime among youths.
- Plant and animal provide materials such as meats, honey, cocoa, crops, and herbs for the country.
In our next class, we will be talking about Resources from Non-Living Things: Solid Minerals. We hope you enjoyed the class.
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