Ethical Issues in Science and Development


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In today’s class, we will be talking about ethical issues in science and development. Enjoy the class!

Ethical Issues in Science and Development

Ethical Issues in Science and Development

Over the years, science has improved in many areas such as medicine, sports, agriculture, etc. Science can be used constructively, that is the treatment of cancer with radiation. However, science can be used destructively, such as the production of atomic bombs used in wars. It should be noted that scientists make research and invent things with no intention of causing any harm.

Ethical issues

The ethical issue deals with a situation that requires someone to choose between right or wrong. Therefore, ethical issues in science and development refer to the right or wrong application of science and development and its implications.

Sometimes, it is very difficult to choose whether the science application is wrong or right. For example, can we say it is right or wrong for a woman that got pregnant by rape to opt for an abortion?

Right application of science and development

This is the use of science and its developmental skills to enhance the proper development of the society such as improving life expectancy, providing transportation means, providing shelter, treating various diseases, etc. Some of the desired results of the right application of science and development include communication, job opportunities for the nation and its citizens’ satellite, food, reproduction medication, awareness, etc.

Wrong application of science and development

This is the use of science and its developmental skills in a way that disrupt the development of society, dehumanizing individuals, causing suffering or death. Some of the adverse effects of wrong application of science and development include drug abuse, deforestation, internet fraudsters, war equipment, environmental pollution, desertification, oil spillage, etc.

Implications of bad scientific practices

Some of the implications of bad scientific practices are:

  1. Uncontrolled use of drugs, which leads to drug abuse.
  2. Increase in crime rate.
  3. Children exposure to certain films such as pornography, which can lead to corrupt practices and committing themselves to unsafe sexual practices.
  4. Unregulated use of war equipment such as nuclear weapons which Can lead to the destruction of many lives
  5. Increase in science-related illness, e.g. risk of cancer.
  6. It can lead to different environmental hazards such as pollution, erosion, deforestation, desertification, etc.
Adverse effects on a country
  1. Destruction of lives by war equipment, e.g. chemical and biological weapons, the atomic and nuclear bomb.
  2. It has caused many environmental hazards such as the depletion of the ozone layer, deforestation, bush burning, etc.
  3. Internet gambling has affected so many lives by losing many of their resources such as money, houses, etc.
  4. Increase in crime rate.
  5. It can lead to the persistent intake of addictive substances, e.g. nicotine


In our next class, we will be talking about Simple Machine.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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