Exploring the Environment II

Hello. You are welcome to class.

Here are some road safety rules:

  1. When walking on the road, you don’t play. You should always walk on the road with caution. If you have to cross the road, look both ways first.
  2. Always use the footpath on the road, and if there is no footpath, walk on the right- hand side of the road so you can see oncoming traffic.

  1. Walk in single file, especially on narrow roads or in poor light, and keep very close to the side of the road
  2. It may be safe to cross the road well before a sharp- right hand bend so that oncoming vehicle has a better chance of seeing you.
  3. Help other road users to see you. Wear or carry something light – coloured, bright in broad day light. When it is dark, use reflective materials (armbands, footwears, reflectors). They must also carry a torch
  4. Look around for traffic light
  5. Never cross behind a vehicle that us reversing or sounding a warning.




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