Indigenous Industries in Nigeria


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the indigenous industries in Nigeria. Enjoy the class!

Indigenous Industries in Nigeria 

Indigenous Industries in Nigeria

Although agriculture was the major economic activity in Nigeria in the past, people still participated in other activities like trading, hunting, fishing and manufacturing. These industries produced services such as tools, weapons, utensils, ornaments and clothing.

Types of industries

  • Pottery:

Pottery is the producing of items with clay. It is usually produced by women because the most popular product of clay was pots. Pottery was used for

  1. Fetching water
  2. Storage and cooking
  3. Plates and bowls
  4. Ritual purposes
  • Metalwork:

Iron technology that is mining the ore, smelting and smithing is a landmark in pre-colonial history. Tools produced from iron include hoes, knives, spears and swords.

  1. Iron made agriculture easier.
  2. Iron weapons were used for weapons of war.
  3. Iron was important in legendry stories like Ogun was worshipped in Yorubaland etc
  4. It was used as currency
  • Bronze and brass:
  1. Used in casting heads and figures.
  2. Used to decorate Oba’s palace
  • Salt production:

Produced on a high scale but was also scarce. The production was a woman’s work with taboos and ceremonies. It was used for

  1. Preservation
  2. Cooking
  3. Used as currency
  • Cloth industry:

Earliest clothes made from animal skin, the bark or leaves and raffia palm leaves. But later, locally grown cotton became the main raw material for cloth making. Processes involve spinning, weaving and dyeing.

  • Leather industry:

The North is the major place for leather and skin works. Kano is the major city for the sale and production of leather goods.

Other Industries include Carving, Food processing, Soap making, canoe building, grass weaving.

General evaluation
  1. Types of indigenous Industries.
  2. Importance of each of the industry.


  1. Explain the production process of each of the major Industries


In our next class, we will be talking about Intergroup Relations.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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