Living Things I

Welcome to class.

Today, we will start by defining living things.

There are two different types of things in the world. They are Living things and Non- living things living.

What are Living Things?

Living things eat, breathe, grow, move, reproduce and have senses.

Living things need food to obtain energy and to stay healthy.

All living things needs to breathe. Different animal uses different organ to breathe

All living things grow and become old and finally die

Living things grow from smaller to larger and finally become adults. Seed grows into baby plants and finally grow into big plant or tree.

Living things shows some movement. Plants can’t move from one place to another but can move their parts.  Some living things show other movement such as walking, jumping, flying, swimming etc.

Living things feel. They usually respond to touches like heat, cold, warm etc.

Living things reproduce. Some animals produces babies, while some lay eggs.

Living things in the school environment

There are lots of living things that can be seen in the school environments or classroom environments such as trees, pupils birds, insects.



  1. Define living thing

List 5 living things that can be found around the school environment

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