The Sokoto caliphate continued; The various reason why Dan Fodio engaged or embarked jihad or holy war

My brilliant Afrilearn superstar! How are you today? I hope you’re feeling great and ready to learn something exciting. Have you ever wondered why people fight for what they believe in? Sometimes, people see unfairness around them and decide to take action. That’s exactly what Usman Dan Fodio did! Today, we’re talking about the reasons why he decided to start a Jihad, or holy war, which led to the creation of the powerful Sokoto Caliphate. So, let’s break it down in a way that makes perfect sense!

The Sokoto caliphate continued; The various reason why Dan Fodio engaged or embarked jihad or holy war

Usman Dan Fodio was not a warrior by nature. He was a teacher, a preacher, and a scholar. But he saw so many problems in the society around him that he felt he had no choice but to act. The rulers of the Hausa states were treating their people unfairly, and corruption was everywhere. The leaders claimed to be Muslims, but they were not ruling according to Islamic principles. So, Dan Fodio decided that it was time for change, and that change had to come through Jihad—a holy struggle to establish justice.

The Fulani Jihad War of 1804| History | Dan Fodio | Naijabiography

One of the biggest reasons for the Jihad was corrupt and oppressive leadership. Many Hausa rulers at the time were more interested in collecting heavy taxes from their people than in leading them with fairness. They forced poor farmers and traders to pay high levies while they lived in luxury. Dan Fodio saw this as completely wrong and against the teachings of Islam, which promote justice and care for the weak.

Another reason was the persecution of Muslims. Even though most people in the Hausa states were Muslims, the leaders did not allow them to freely practise Islam in the right way. Usman Dan Fodio and his followers were often harassed, and some were even killed for preaching the truth. Sarkin Gobir, Yunfa, for example, banned Dan Fodio from teaching, and at one point, even tried to have him killed! When peaceful efforts failed, Dan Fodio saw Jihad as the only way to defend the faith.

He also wanted to purify Islam. Many people at the time were mixing traditional African beliefs with Islamic teachings, which went against what Dan Fodio preached. Some rulers even allowed idol worship and practices that were against Islamic laws. Dan Fodio felt that Islam needed to be practised in its pure form, without these influences.

Usman Dan Fodio: Founder Of The Sokoto Caliphate – SUMMIT POST NEWS

Another important reason was social injustice. The rich and powerful treated the poor unfairly. The Fulani herders, for example, were often mistreated and forced to obey unfair laws. Hausa peasants were also suffering because they had no voice under the existing rulers. Dan Fodio believed that the Jihad would create a fair society where everyone, regardless of status, would be treated equally under Islamic law.

Lastly, he was inspired by past Islamic movements. He had read about other Muslim leaders who fought for justice through Jihad, and he felt that the same approach could work in Hausaland. He wanted to create an Islamic state where justice, fairness, and proper religious practice would be the foundation of society.


Usman Dan Fodio embarked on Jihad for several reasons. He wanted to end the corrupt leadership of the Hausa rulers, stop the persecution of Muslims, purify the practice of Islam, and create a just society. He was also influenced by past Islamic movements and believed that Jihad was the only way to bring real change. This movement led to the creation of the Sokoto Caliphate, which became one of the most powerful Islamic states in West Africa.


  • Why did Usman Dan Fodio decide to embark on Jihad?
  • How were the Hausa rulers treating their people before the Jihad?
  • What were some of the problems in the society that Dan Fodio wanted to change?
  • How did past Islamic movements influence Dan Fodio’s decision?

You are doing an amazing job! Keep learning and growing because knowledge is a superpower. Stay excited for the next lesson—there’s still so much to discover! Keep shining, Afrilearn superstar!

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