
Good to have you in class today.

Water is an essential resource. We need water to live and grow. Animals and plants also need water to live and grow. A good and clean water has no colour, no odour and has no taste. The main source of water is Rain


Water comes from the following sources:



Borehole                                     Rain                                Well


Tap                                River                               Water tank

Stream                           Ocean                                Spring

  • The rain fills up the rivers.
  • The lake is where the water settles and normally doesn’t move much out of the valley.
  • The water from a well comes from underground water. Rain water seeps through the soil and is then caught underground.
  • Tap water is what we have in most homes.
  • The river is another source of water but river water is not always clean and healthy to drink.
  • The water in the ocean or sea is salty and is not suitable for drinking.
  • A spring is water that comes up through the ground. It has collected underground first and then it finds a way of coming to the surface.
  • A stream starts like spring and starts to flow downhill to a river. It is much smaller than a river.
  • A water tank is a good way of collecting rain water. It may be used for watering the garden. If we are going to drink the water from the tank, it should be boiled first.
  • The borehole is found in areas that normally don’t have rivers. In areas where it is dry, people put in boreholes to help the community. All borehole water comes from underground water.




Other uses of water are:

  • For putting out fire
  • For animals to drink
  • To water our crops
  • Humans, animals and plants all need water to stay alive. Etc.



  1. What is the main source of water?
  2. Give 3 uses of water
  3. What are other sources of water

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