Iji Ọgụgụ na Ntụziaka (Using Contextual Clues and Instructions)

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Iji Ọgụgụ na Ntụziaka (Using Contextual Clues and Instructions)

Iji Ọgụgụ na Ntụziaka

Nkọwa: Ịmụta iji ihe ọmụma na ihe atụ nyere nke ọma na usoro iji ghọta ozi na ntuziaka.

Ụdị Ọgụgụ:

– Ihe atụ:

  – Ọ bụrụ na ị na-eme nri, iji usoro ndị a:  

    (If you are cooking, use these steps:)

      – Wụnye mmiri na ite ma kpoo ya.  

        (Add water to the pot and boil it.)

      – Tinye salt na spices dịka iche.  

        (Add salt and spices as desired.)


Contextual Clues (Nkọwa Site Na Okwu):

– Ihe atụ:

  – “A na-ahụ nke a mgbe anyị na-aga ụlọ ọrụ.”

    (This is seen when we go to the office.)



– Jiri ihe ọmụma iji dozie ajụjụ.

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