Nkọwa na Ọgụgụ Ntụziaka (Description and Instructional Texts)

Nnọọ n’ọnwa taa!

Anyị nwere obi ụtọ ịnọ na klas anyị!!

Nkọwa na Ọgụgụ Ntụziaka (Description and Instructional Texts)

Nkọwa na Ọgụgụ Ntụziaka

Nkọwa: Nkọwa na ịgụ ntuziaka na-enyere aka iji kọwaa ihe ma ọ bụ usoro. Ọ na-enye ozi doro anya banyere otu esi eme ihe.


Nkọwa nke Nkọwa:

– Ihe atụ:

  – Ụlọ ahụ bụ nnukwu ụlọ nwere agba ọcha.

    (The house is a large building with white paint.)

  – Nwanyị a nwere ọtụtụ hair na-ewepụta mmetụta nke ịdị n’udo. 

    (This woman has a lot of hair which gives a sense of calmness.)


Nkọwa nke Ntụziaka:

Ihe atụ:

  – **Iji kwadebe akara nri, soro usoro ndị a:

    (To prepare the dish, follow these steps:)

      – Nwụnye ahụ, kpochapụ ya, ma jiri mmiri rụọ ọrụ.

        (Peel the plantain, clean it, and cook it in water.)

      – Tinye n’ime efere ma jee n’ihu.  

        (Put it in a plate and serve.)



– Kọwaa ebe, mmadụ, ma ọ bụ ihe site n’iji nkọwa.

– Dee ma ọ bụ jiri ntuziaka mee ihe dị iche iche.

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