On this page, get all Biology SS1 topics from First Term to Third Term. Find them below, study them and excel in your examinations.

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First Term

Second Term

Third Term

31 thoughts on “BIOLOGY SS1”

  1. Sulaiman Akeem Alexander

    Top of the day to you.

    May I know if it’s a one time payment?
    Secondly, are the notes downloadable?


  2. Why can’t I take the quizzes after reading the note it’s annoying tho cos I wanna test my self on what have read its saying it’s successful Buh I’m unable to take d quiz I don’t even understand the stuff pls fix this cos it’s annoying Buh aside that the website is really good it’s making me wanna learn more I love it Buh d quiz part is annoying o pls review and fix this

  3. A friend at school recommended the app to me, but i dont know how to register can you help,i started following on facebook

    1. Kindly go to your Google play store or Apple store and download the app. Once you’ve done that, you can sign up and begin to access the materials there.

  4. Pls am new here, i hope the notes and teachings here will help me a lot, i need sss1 notes, bcos i really want to be the best in my class

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