This is very simple and easy to do. Before payment, you have to register in your choice class. Afterwards, you can pay using your Card or Direct Bank Transfer [To Afrilearn 0538617241 GTBank]. Either option still requires that your first enroll in your class of choice before making payment.
Search for Biology and your class e.g Biology SSS1 and it will surely brings it out
And same thing for Chemistry
Trust me, is the best to learn and learning is free
We are currently updating our content, once complete, you will be able to download our content for a token automatically. At the moment, you can access all our notes for free on this website.
Glad you found it helpful😊 For even more class notes, engaging videos, and homework assistance, just download our Mobile App at It’s packed with resources to help you succeed🌟
How do I make payment?
This is very simple and easy to do. Before payment, you have to register in your choice class. Afterwards, you can pay using your Card or Direct Bank Transfer [To Afrilearn 0538617241 GTBank]. Either option still requires that your first enroll in your class of choice before making payment.
I don’t have money I’m just at home
You don’t need money to learn on, select any class and start learning for free.
how can I enroll
I need SS1 Literature Note. Thanks!
Good day, how do I deactivate membership?
It won’t be funny if this platform try this again…., that’s my user.
This will be helpful…
Sure this will be helpful
I love it
Hi I need lesson notes for biology and chemistry senior secondary school notes.
Search for Biology and your class e.g Biology SSS1 and it will surely brings it out
And same thing for Chemistry
Trust me, is the best to learn and learning is free
Hi i need lesson notes for physics, chemistry and biology senior secondary school notes.
We are currently updating our content, once complete, you will be able to download our content for a token automatically. At the moment, you can access all our notes for free on this website.
And I also need more for civic too
is there need for payment?
No, you do not need to pay to access our class notes. They are free!
Hi,how do i deactivite my membership
Kindly send an email to
i will be helpful
i need economic,agric,second term ss1
Please give me notes on “General gas equation” from Tonad Eessential Chemistry for Senior Secondary
Nice ………
I need lesson note of all the subject
it’s easy to get just search for the subject
I need lesson for math and English
Please I don’t understand why it is showing me something else I don’t understand the link
The site is very nice its notes are comprehensive and covers a lot
Pls how do I deactivate membership for a particular class I accidentally signed up for?
How can i achieve a certificates
I want to download it if I want to read offline as a pdf ,how can I do it please
Glad you found it helpful😊 For even more class notes, engaging videos, and homework assistance, just download our Mobile App at It’s packed with resources to help you succeed🌟
January 6
I’m very impressed for this has helped me a lot but I need more exercises on English Language from JSS1 to ss3
Wow! I love it
I’m trying to enroll but it keeps showing my password is too short and my characters are way above 8 characters what do I do
I need a note on data processing
topics is data and information
Class prefect pls sign me up on math class and other science subjects.
I really appreciate the help I wanted
Satisfactory if you say it covers wassce syllabus