

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about agriculture. Enjoy the class!



Agriculture can be defined as the production of crops, animals, fishes and forest resources for the consumption and other benefits of the human. It is a dominant occupation which employs about 65-70% of the total population of West Africa.

Components of agriculture

Agriculture is made up of the following-

  1. Livestock
  2. Fishing
  3. Crop production
  4. Forestry
  • Livestock:

This involves rearing of domestic animal, e.g.  Pigs, cattle, horses, donkeys, goats, sheep, etc. Most of these animals are reared to satisfy domestic consumption.

  • Forestry:

It concerns the preservation of economic trees or plant. Also, it involves the extraction of various forms of resources associated with forest e.g. furniture, plywood, boat, manufacturing of papers, electric pools, etc. these are some of the things we derive from plant preservation.

  • Crop production:

It involves the cultivation of various crops. Crops are divided into two categories: food crops and cash crops.

  1. Food Crops: these are majorly for consumption e.g. maize, rice, beans, cocoyams, yam, tomatoes, corn, and millet.
  2. Cash Crops: these are meant for sale either locally or export. E.g. cocoa, palm oil, rubber, palm kernels, cotton, groundnut, etc.
  • Fishing:

This involves breeding and catching of fishes from the rivers for human consumption. it constitutes major occupation of people that reside in the riverine area.


  1. Define agriculture.
  2. State the three component of agriculture

System of agriculture

Systems of agricultural production include:

  1. Plantation farming
  2. Peasant farming
  3. Cooperative farming
  4. Mechanized farming
  • Plantation farming:

It involves the use of large estate of land permanently planted with economic or commercial crops. Examples of crops planted on plantation farming include: sugar, cotton, rubber, sugar cane, tobacco, etc. In plantation farming, land could be owned by the government, private individual, or corporate bodies.

  • Peasant farming:

This is also known as subsistence agriculture. It involves cultivation on a small scale (acres of land). Land in this situation is often owned communally and they employ mainly their own family labour. The size of land used by peasant farmers is majorly determined by the size of their family members and their family land. Rudimentary farming equipment such as cutlasses, axes, hoes, etc. which are crude in nature is usually used in peasant farming.

  • Cooperative farming:

In this nature of farming, farmers come together to form a sort of association or union. This form of union is adopted in other to obtain loans and aids from government, to hire or purchase farming equipment.

  • Mechanized farming:

This involves the extensive use of the machine and other types of advanced mechanical devices in agricultural production. It ensures large scale production because the use of human labour is replaced with that of machines. E.g. harvesters, ploughs, tractors. Etc. this form of farming has not been popularized in West Africa.


  1. Define mechanized farming
  2. List and explain two component of agriculture.
Importance of agriculture in West Africa
  1. Source of raw materials
  2. Provision of food
  3. Provision of employment
  4. Creation of market for industrial product
  5. Source of income
  6. Source of Labour for industries
Problems of agriculture in West Africa
  1. Illiteracy/ignorance
  2. Lack of medical facilities
  3. Use of crude implement
  4. Poverty
  5. Lack of credit facilities
  6. Lack of storage facilities
  7. Poor transportation
  8. The problem of the land tenure system
  9. Pests and diseases
  10. Natural disaster
The solution to the problems of agriculture
  1. Granting of credit facilities to farmers
  2. Improvement of the transportation system
  3. Discouraging migration
  4. Mechanization of agriculture
  5. Effective control of pest and diseases
  6. Provision of medical facilities
  7. Education
  8. The use of research
  9. Use of irrigation
  10. Control of erosion


  1. List seven problems of agriculture
  2. List and explain three ways of how to solve the problems of agriculture in West Africa.

Reading assignment

  1. Amplified and Simplified Economics for SSS by Femi Longe pages 157-163.
  2. Comprehensive Economics for Senior Secondary Schools. By Johnson 103-105
General evaluation
  1. What is trade by barter?
  2. Highlight the problems posed by trade by barter.
  3. What is partnership?
  4. Explain the function of money as the i   store of value    ii  measure of values
  5. Give three reasons why primary production predominates in developing countries.


  1. What do you understand by the term Agriculture
  2. List and explain the seven importance of Agriculture in West Africa.


In our next class, we will be talking about Mining.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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