Database Management III


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In today’s class, we will be talking more about database management. Enjoy the class!

Database Management III

Database Management

Input data

After the field names and their data types have been specified, then records are stored in the database by specifying the appropriate input. In MS Access, to input a data:

  • Double click on the Student Table at the left-hand pane of MS Access windows
  • Enter the data beneath the field names and click on the next cell to populate data.

To keep the database updated, data inputted into the database must be saved regularly. Keyboard command CTRL + S is used. Alternatively, you click on the Office button and save.

Basic operation

The basic operations to be considered are:

  1. Searching
  2. Sorting
  3. Modifying
  4. Generate report
  1. On the Tools menu, click Options
  2. Click the Edit/Find tab
  3. Under Default find/replace behave, do one of the following:
  4. Select Fast Search to search the current field and match the whole field.
  5. Select General search to search all fields and match any part of the field.
  6. Select Start of Field Search to search the current field and match the beginning characters of the field.
  7. DBMS has a certain command for saving a database. For example in MS Access, select the save option on the MS Access window to save.


  1. Define the basic operations in the Database.
  2. How to you enter data in Ms-Access?

To sort records in form view or in datasheet view, follow these steps:

  1. Start MS Access, and then open the database that you are working with.
  2. Open the table or the form whose data you want to view.
  3. Click the field that you want to use for sorting records. To sort records in sub-form, click the field that you want to sort. To sort records in a sub-datasheet, display the sub-datasheet by clicking expand indicator, and then click the field that you want to sort.
  4. On the records menu, point to sort, and then click Sort Ascending or Sort Descending. NOTE: In a form, you can only sort on only one field at a time.
Sorting with sub-datasheet

In datasheet view, when you sort the sub-datasheet for one record, MS Access sorts all the sub-datasheets at that level. In a datasheet or sub-datasheet, you can select two or more adjacent columns at the same time, and then sort them. Access sorts record starting with the leftmost selected column. When you save the form or datasheet, Access saves the sort order.

Sorting records on a report
  1. Start MS Access, and then open the database that you are working with.
  2. Open the report in Design View.
  3. ON the View menu, click sorting and Grouping to display the Sorting and Grouping dialog box.
  4. In the first row of the Field/Expression column, select a field name or type an expression. NOTE: When you fill in the Field/Expression column, MS Access sets the sort order to Ascending.
  5. You can sort up to10 fields or expression in a report. To sort your report on more than one field, add another field or expression to the Field/Expression column. The field or expression in the first row is the first sorting level. The second row is the second sorting level, and so on.
  • Modifying data:

How to Add or Edit data in a Datasheet (Table or Query) or a Form

  1. Open a table or a query in datasheet View or a form in Form View.
  2. Do one of the following:
  • In MS Office Access 2003 or in earlier versions of Access, to add a new record, point to Go to on the Edit menu, and then click New Record. Type the data, and then press TAB to go to the next field. At the end of the record, press TAB to go to the next record.
  • In MS Office Access 2007, to add a new record, click the Home tab, and then click New in the Records group.
  • To edit data within a field, click in the field that you want to edit, and then type the data.
  • To replace the entire value, move the mouse pointer to the leftmost part of the field until the pointer changes into the plus pointer, and then click. Type the data.

NOTE: To correct a typing mistake, press BACKSPACE. To cancel your changes both in the current field and in the entire record, press ESC.

General evaluation
  1. State the operations that can be performed in a database.
  2. List five (5) data type.
  3. List the steps in modifying data.

Reading assignment

Data Processing for Senior Secondary Education by HiiT Plc. Chapter Two pages 58 – 63

Weekend assignment

  1. All these are basic operations except ___    A. modifying    B. creating     C. sorting   D.   Searching
  1. One of these explains sorting.    A.    arrangement of record alphabetically.     B. data arrangement in ascending or descending order.      C. data Movement       D. Record Movement from one place to another.
  2. In MS Office Access 2007, to add a new record you do ___ A. click the Home tab   B.   open programs    C.    A and B     D. none
  3. The data accepted by these fields are either Yes/No or True/False is ___  A. primary key    B. Boolean fields    C. Data     D. None
  4. Another name for the unique identifier is known as ___    A. Key     B. Data     C. Field    D.  Record.


  1. Highlight how to sort data in Ms-Access.
  2. List the four basic operations in Database.


We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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