

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about humility. Enjoy the class!



The family started in the garden of Eden. The author of the family and he’s very interested in the welfare of the family. The family can be considered as the smallest unit of the larger social society. It is the first contact a child has with the social world. In most cases, it consists of the father mother and their children this kind of family can be classified as a nuclear family. The extended members of the family include uncles cousins grandparents nieces etc. the parents play a major role in the success of the family. they are saddled with the responsibility of raising their kids in the way of the lord and making them responsible citizens of the society. Therefore discipline is a major requirement of parents in the parenting plan.

Paul’s teaching on the family

Apostle Paul taught the Colossian church on the roles of every member of the family. Colossians 3:18-25

  • Wives

He started his instruction to the wives encouraging them to be willing to serve their husbands because it’s the right thing to do in following the Lord.

  • Husband

The instruction to the husband who is the head of the house looks very simple but it is very powerful. He encouraged husbands to love their wives and be gentle to them.

Further, he instructed the fathers, saying not to upset their children. If the father is perceived as too hard to please, the children might want to stop making attempts.

  • Children

The instruction Paul gives to the children is very key as this (obedience) could be difficult for many children especially, teenagers and youths. Children are encouraged to obey their parents in everything because God is pleased with that.

  • Servants

Paul instructs the Servants:

Although servants are not found in some homes. it is very important to understand that the word, “servants” in this context does not only refer to domestic staff but believers being servants of God.

Servants are instructed to obey their masters in everything. They are to Obey all the time, even in the absence of their Master. Paul discouraged eye service. He taught that the essence of serving honestly should be because they respect the Lord.

Servants are expected to do the work they are given, the best they can. Working as though they are working for the Lord, not any earthly master. Paul reminded them that they will receive their reward from the Lord, who will give them what he promised his people. He noted that every believer is serving Christ. He is our real Master.

Many families today have deviated from the instructions laid down in this epistle. Many parents treat their children harshly, encouraging corrupt practices such as examination malpractices, illegal admission to schools. It should be noted that all these actions are contrary to the will of God for the proper upbringing of a child. Some wives do not have regard for their husband while the husband also neglects the role of showing love to their wives instead they show love to their concubines outside marriage. There is a need to abide by the rules and responsibilities of family members to enjoy the God kind of marriage.


Highlight the roles of children according to this lesson.

  1. What advice did Paul give in his epistle to the Colossians about family life?
  2. In what three ways can the family be firmly established (June 2005)
  3. list and explain three ways in which many families in the 21st century have deviated from the instructions given by Paul to the Colossian church on the roles of family members.


In our next class, we will be talking about  Civic Responsibility.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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