Operating System II


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking more about the operating system. Enjoy the class!

Operating System II


Examples of operating system

 Common examples of operating system

  • Ms-Windows (Microsoft window):   

It is a single user GUI operating system. That is, only one person can use the system at a time.

 Versions of windows operating system:

  1. Windows 95
  2. Windows 98
  3. Windows 2000
  4. Windows ME ( millennium edition)
  5. Windows XP ( Experience)
  6. Windows NT ( New Technology)
  7. Windows Vista
  8. Windows 7
  9. Windows 8
  10. Windows 10
  • UNIX ( A multiuser command line operating system)
  • Novell Netware  (is a command-line Network Operating System)
  • Linux:  A GUI/ Command line multiuser and network operating system.
  • XENIX:  A Unix based multiuser operating system.
  • MS-DOS (Microsoft Disk operating system):  This is a single-user operating system.

There are many different operating systems. Each does the same thing: they control all input, processing and output.

DOS (Disk Operating System) – one of the first operating systems for the personal computer. When you turned the computer on all you saw was the command prompt which looked like c:\ >. You had to type all commands at the command prompt which might look like c:\>wp\wp.exe. This is called a command-line interface.
It was not very “user friendly”

  • Windows – The Windows operating system, a product of Microsoft, is a GUI (graphical user interface) operating system. This type of “user-friendly” operating system is said to have WIMP features:
    1. Windows
    2. Icons
    3. Menus
    4. Pointing device (mouse)
  • macOS – Macintosh, a product of Apple, has its own operating system with a GUI and WIMP features.
  • UNIX – Linux (the PC version of Unix) – Unix and Linux were originally created with a command-line interface, but recently have added GUI enhancements.

*user-friendly is a relative term. The current GUI interfaces provided by Windows and Mac operating systems are more friendly than the previous DOS systems, but still, require us to conform to their specifications (use of a keyboard or mouse instead of voice and/or handwriting recognition).


  1. Mention Eight versions of windows operating system.
  2. What is the full meaning of the GUI?
General evaluation
  1. State the full meaning of Windows XP,  Windows NT.
  2. What is the difference between GUI and Command based operating system?
  3. Mention the latest version of the Windows operating system.
  4. The full meaning of Ms DOS is  ………

Reading assignment

HIIT @ Schools Data Processing for Senior Secondary Education, pg 27.

Weekend assignment

  1. Windows ME stands for  …….  A.  More experience   B.  Millennium Edition   C.   More Millennium    D.  None of the above
  2. In Windows NT, NT there stands for ……….  A.  New technology   B.  New Technical   C.  Now Technology   D. Non-Technology
  3. ‘XP’ in windows XP stands for ……….   A.  Professional   B.  Exceptional   C.  Experience   D.   Expert
  4. DOS stands for  ………  A.  Disk operating system   B.   Do operating system   C.  Disk open system   D.  Diskette operating system
  5. ……… is an example of windows commands line operating system.   A.   Novell   B.   Ms DOS   C.  Linux   D.   XENIX


  1. List the different versions of windows operating system.
  2. Give any two examples of GUI/Command line multiuser operating system.


In our next class, we will be talking about the Functions of Operating System.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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