Types of Agricultural Market

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Hello my marketing-savvy student! I’m so glad to have you back for another interesting lesson. Today, we’re going to talk about “types of agricultural markets.” This means the different places where farmers sell their products, and how these places are organized. It’s like having different kinds of shops – some are small and local, while others are large and sell to many different places! Let’s begin!

Types of Agricultural Market

A market, as we learned before, is a place where buyers and sellers come together to exchange goods or services. In agriculture, markets are essential for farmers to sell their produce and for consumers to access food. There are different types of agricultural markets, classified based on various factors:

Classification of Agricultural Markets - Agribusiness Education and  Research International

  1. Based on Location:
  • Village Markets (Local Markets): These are small markets held in villages or rural areas, usually once or twice a week. Farmers sell their produce directly to local consumers. These markets are important for local trade and community interaction.
  • Primary Markets: These are markets located in towns or near production areas where farmers bring their produce in larger quantities to sell to traders or wholesalers.
  • Secondary Markets: These are larger markets located in bigger towns or cities. Wholesalers bring produce from primary markets to sell to retailers or other businesses.
  • Terminal Markets (or Wholesale Markets): These are very large markets located in major cities or transportation hubs. They handle large volumes of produce and serve as distribution centers for wider regions.
  1. Based on the Extent of Area Covered:
  • Local Markets: These serve a small area, such as a village or town.
  • Regional Markets: These serve a larger area, such as a state or province.
  • National Markets: These serve the entire country.
  • International Markets (or World Markets): These involve trade between different countries.
  1. Based on the Time Period:
  • Daily Markets: These are held every day, selling perishable goods like fresh fruits, vegetables, and milk.
  • Weekly Markets: These are held once a week, often in rural areas.
  • Periodic Markets: These are held at longer intervals, such as once a month or once a year, often for specific products.
  1. Based on the Volume of Transactions:
  • Wholesale Markets: These involve large-scale transactions between farmers and traders or retailers.
  • Retail Markets: These involve smaller transactions between retailers and consumers.
  1. Based on the Nature of Transactions:

Types Of Agricultural Markets In India - ChargeERP Blog

  • Spot Markets (or Cash Markets): Transactions are settled immediately with cash payment and immediate delivery of the goods.
  • Forward Markets (or Futures Markets): Contracts are made for the future delivery of goods at a predetermined price. This helps farmers and buyers to manage price risks.

Let’s use some examples. A farmer might sell vegetables at a weekly village market. A large fruit farm might sell its produce to wholesalers at a terminal market in a major city. Coffee beans might be traded on the international market.

So, to summarize, there are different types of agricultural markets, classified based on location, area covered, time period, volume of transactions, and nature of transactions.


  1. Can you name three ways to classify agricultural markets? 
  2. What is the difference between a primary market and a secondary market? 
  3. What is the difference between a spot market and a forward market? 

Excellent! You’re doing a fantastic job! I’m so proud of your learning. Remember, understanding the different types of agricultural markets is important for farmers to sell their produce effectively and for consumers to access food. Keep up the amazing work!

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