Facilities and Equipment Used in Hockey


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In today’s class, we will be talking about the facilities and equipment used in hockey. Enjoy the class!

Facilities and Equipment Used in Hockey

Facilities and Equipment Used in Hockey classnotes.ng

There are different facilities and equipment in field hockey, some of which are meant to ensure safety like gears while others are to enable play of the game. Thus, field hockey facilities and equipment are divided into personal/general equipment and goalie equipment.

Personal/general equipment

  1. Hockey Stick: This is the only thing you are allowed to hit the ball with, except a goalie who could also use the hand.
  2. Cleat: This is a pair of shoes with ribbed soles. Shoes with screw-in cleats may carry a higher risk of injury, so only use them when you need extra traction, such as on a wet field.
  3. Mouth Guard: This is meant to protect the teeth in any case a ball hits the face.
  4. Shin Guard: It is used to protect the shin from being bruised either from contact with the ball or with the stick of other players.
  5. Socks and Rash Guards: Socks protect the skin from blisters, while rash guards protect the shin from getting constantly rubbed against the shin guards.
  6. Stick Bag: Makes it convenient if a player is going to be carrying multiple sticks at one go.
  7. Electrical Tape: When applied to the bottom of the stick, protects it from dents and wear and tear. It also aids in stopping the ball for beginners.
  8. Grip: This is also used to prevent the wear and tear of the stick.
  9. Ball: This is important equipment in hockey. Field hockey balls are rubber-like, hard and dense and they travel quickly.

Goalkeeper equipment


  1. Helmet: This protects the head and face of the goalkeeper from injury.
  2. Neck Protector: This wraps around the neck of the goalie, and is essential in protecting the goalkeeper’s throat against fast-moving balls.
  3. Chest pad: The chest pad protects the goalie’s torso and it is padded in front.
  4. Arms and Elbow Protector: They keep the arms and elbows safely padded just in case the ball hits the goalkeeper there.
  5. Right and Left Hand Protector: The right-hand protector is hard and rounded, designed to fit around the stick. On the other hand, the left-hand protector is flat and stiff to enable the goalie to stop lifted shots.
  6. Goalie Pants: This provides extra protection to the upper legs, hips and groin from shots.
  7. Groin/Pelvic Protector: Specifically used to protect the groin.
  8. Kickers: This is also used to protect the legs and shin.
  9. Leg Guards: They cover from the top of the feet to the top of the knee to serve as additional protection to the goalie pants.

Values of the game

Sport affects real values in the life of athletes and participants. Hockey offers core values that distinguish athletes, some of the values are:

  1. Team play: This includes teamwork, cooperation and subordination of the individual to the team, and group effort to achieve a common purpose.
  2. Active: Hockey is an active, exciting game played by all people of different ages.
  3. Inclusive: It is Inclusive in all opportunities that are offered.
  4. Innovative: The initiative and program are Innovative in its approach.
  5. Positive: Offers positive experience for all who take part in or contribute towards it
  6. Competitive: Hockey is a competitive game.
  7. Mental Toughness: Using the lessons of defeat to learn how to react perfectly to build oneself.
  8. Personal and team responsibility: The structure of the game makes one think of the team as well as one’s self.

Hockey pitch

Hockey pitch classnotes.ng

The hockey pitch is 100 yards long and 60 yards wide (91.40m x 55.0m) divided by a centerline and a 25-yard line on each side of the field. A striking circle is marked 16 yards out from each goal post. Goal cages are 7 feet high, 12 feet wide and 4 feet deep.


We hope you enjoyed the class.

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