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In today’s class, we will be talking about HIV and AIDS. Enjoy the class!



HIV means human immunodeficiency virus while AIDS means acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. HIV causes AIDS and interferes with the body’s ability to fight infections.

HIV is a virus that damages the immune system. The immune system helps the body fight off infections. Untreated HIV infects and kills CD4 cells, which are a type of immune cell called T cells. Over time, as HIV kills more CD4 cells, the body is more likely to get various types of infections and cancers. HIV is a lentivirus (literally meaning “slow virus”; a member of the retrovirus family) that slowly attacks and destroys the immune system, the body’s defence against infection, leaving an individual vulnerable to a variety of other infections and certain malignancies that eventually cause death.

AIDS, by name and acronym of acquired immunodeficiency syndrome, transmissible disease of the immune system caused by the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).

AIDS is a disease that can develop in people with HIV. It is the most advanced stage of HIV. However, just because a person has HIV does not mean they will develop AIDS.

Mode of transmission

  1. It can be transmitted through blood
  2. vaginal and rectal fluids
  3. It can be transmitted from breast milk, mother to child.
  4. It can be transmitted through sexual intercourse.
  5. Through vaginal or anal sex — the most common route of transmission, especially among men who have sex with men
  6. By sharing needles, syringes, and other items for injection drug use
  7. By sharing tattoo equipment without sterilizing it between uses
  8. During pregnancy, labour, or delivery from a woman to her baby
  9. During breastfeeding
  10. Through “pre-mastication,” or chewing a baby’s food before feeding it to them
  11. Through exposure to the blood of someone living with HIV, such as through a needle stick

How to prevent HIV and AIDS

  1. By using protection during sex (condom).
  2. By checking your status every three months.
  3. By not sharing a needle or sharp, object with another person.
  4. By not coming in contact with the wound or blood of an infected one.

Difference between HIV and AIDS

HIV means human immunodeficiency virus AIDS means  acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
HIV is manageable AIDS  is not manageable
HIV is the early stage  AIDS is the late-stage

Counselling and testing

You go to the hospital and get counselling from a doctor, you also learn about it, read about it. HIV patient cannot be determined by looks, you have to get tested in the laboratory by a lab scientist to know your status.


  1. Avoid sharing sharp objects.
  2. Use latex when having sexual intercourse.
  3. Avoid touching blood that is not your own.


In our next class, we will be talking about Drug Use and Abuse.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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