Algorithms and Flow Chart


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In today’s class, we will be talking about algorithms and flow chart. Enjoy the class!

Algorithms and Flow Chart

Algorithms and Flow Chart |


An algorithm is a step by step procedure of solving a particular problem. It is simply a sequence of clear and precise instructions for solving a particular problem. Algorithms are usually written in English and some few mathematical notations (signs, symbols)

Characteristics of algorithms
  1. They are written in sequence.
  2. They are written in English like statements.
  3. Finite, it must have a beginning and an end.
  4. Should be effective
  5. Should not be ambiguous. Should be consistent.


An algorithm to calculate the average of three numbers:

Step1: Enter the first number N1

Step2: Enter the second number N2

Step3: Enter the third number N3

Step4: Calculate the total (N1+N2+N3)

Step5: Calculate the average (N1+N2+N3)/3

Step6: Print total

Step7: Print Average

Step8: End

Flow charts

The flowchart is the diagrammatic representation of an algorithm. It shows the steps involved in solving a particular task.

Characteristics of the flow chart
  1. Different flowcharting symbols are used for different operations
  2. Flow lines are used to connect the flowcharting symbols.
  3. Flowcharts are read and drawn from top to bottom.
  4. The start symbol indicates the beginning of a program.
  5. The end symbol signifies the end of a program.

Flowchart symbols:

Flowchart symbols


General evaluation
  1. _________ is the step by step procedure of solving a particular problem. (a) Problem (b) sequence (c) algorithm  (d) symbol
  2. _________ is the diagrammatic representation of a step by step procedure of solving a particular problem. (a) Algorithm (b) Program  (c) Flowchart (d) sequential solution
  3. The following are characteristic of a flowchart EXCEPT for one (a) Flowcharts are read and drawn from bottom to top (b) Flowcharts end symbol signifies the end of a program  (c) Flow line are used to connect the flowchart symbols   (d) Different flowchart symbols are used for a different operation.
  4.         chart    The flowchart symbol represents _____________  (a) Pre-define (b) Decision   (c) Input    (d) Processing
  5. The following are characteristic of an algorithm EXCEPT one. (a) They are written in sequence (b) An algorithm should be effective (c) It must be ambiguous and inconsistent  (d) They are written in English like statement
  6. The actual writing or coding of a program in a particular programming language is known as________   (a) Debugging (b) Program Coding (c) Program Executing (d) Program Decoding
  7. The following are characteristics of a good program EXCEPT one. (a) Accuracy (b) Clarity  (c) Compatible   (d) Readability
  8. The following are characteristic of an interpreter EXCEPT for one (a) Execution is fast b. The resulting code is some sort of intermediate code c. The resulting code is interpreted by another program d. relatively little time is spent analyzing and processing the program
  9. _________ is a list of instruction issued to the computer to perform a particular task. (a) Algorithm (b) Computer program  (c) Hardware (d) Peripherals
  10. One of the following is NOT a precaution be taken when writing a program.  (a) No step should be skipped (b) The order of execution must be followed sequentially         c. Do not rush     d. The use of a step by step approach should not be followed


In our next class, we will be talking about Introduction to BASIC Programming.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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