Bacterial Disease


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the bacterial disease. Enjoy the class!

Bacterial Disease

Bacterial Disease


Bacillus anthraxis

Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pig. Through contaminated feed, water, equipment and infected animals. High fever, depression, staggering and sudden death of the animal. No effective drug for the treatment. Regular vaccination, infected animals should be slaughtered and buried, proper sanitation.
Brucellosis (Contagious abortion) Brucella  abortus Pigs, Cattle, Sheep and Goat. Contaminated feed, water, contact with infected animals, contact with infected materials such as shoes etc. Abortion, inflammation of the womb, diarrhoea and dysentery, paralysis, loss of milk and frequent infertility. Sick  animals should be isolated and badly infected animals should be killed and


Tuberculosis Mycobacterium  tuberculosis Cattle, Sheep, Goat, Pigs and poultry birds. Sputum, droppings, milk of infected Cow, germ inhaled or through

mouth during feeding

Constant coughing, loss of weight and appetite, infection of liver and udder in Cows. No cure or drug. Animal infected should be killed and buried, good sanitation, isolate suspected animals.
Pullorum Disease


Poultry Through contamination of feeds, water and litter Watery droppings that are usually sticky and greenish-white in colour. Obtain chicks from disease-free sources, Isolate infected birds, Maintain good sanitation, Treat the infected birds with appropriate antibiotics.
Fowl Typhoid Fowl Through contaminated feed, water and litter materials Yellowish watery droppings, loss of appetite and ruffled appearance. Routine vaccination, Maintain good sanitation, Treat the infected birds with appropriate antibiotics


Fowl Cholera Fowl Through contaminated feed, water and litter. Ruffled appearance, thirst due to dehydration, blood-stained yellowish watery droppings and sudden death. Isolate infected birds,

Maintain good sanitation measures,

Practice routine vaccination and treat the infected birds with appropriate antibiotics.



  1. List five bacteria diseases
  2. List three animals that are affected by brucellosis

Fungal diseases


  • Ringworm
  • Aspergillosis
RINGWORM Cattle Sheep, Goat and Rabbit Contact with contaminated feeders and water troughs Lesions (injury, damage, change in texture) in the skin of the animals, irritation of the skin, loss of appetite and weight. Disinfection of pens and equipment treat affected parts with sulphur ointment.
ASPERGILLOSIS Aspergillus  fumigatus Poultry birds, Pigs, Cattle Through contaminated feed (mouldy feed), mouldy litter. Difficult breathing, respiratory disorder, loss of appetite, irritation of the skin, high body temperature, loss of weight. Regular disinfection of the pen and equipment, avoid the use of mouldy feed, practice good sanitation and maintain proper hygiene, spray fungicide from time to time to kill fungi spores.


  1. List three fungal diseases
  2. State the symptoms of ringworm

Protozoan diseases


  • Trypanosomiasis
  • Coccidiosis
  • Redwater fever (Piroplasmosis)


Cattle, Sheep and Goat Spread by the blood-sucking Tse-tse fly which sucks blood from an infected animal and transmit the pathogen to a healthy animal. Rise in body temperature, dullness in appearance, constant sleeping. Clearing of bush around a farm to remove the fly’s habitat, spraying with insecticides to kill vector, treatment with drugs such as trypanosomide and antimosan.
COCCIDIOSIS Eimera  spp Domestic fowl, duck, goose, turkey, guinea fowl and  rabbit It is spread through faeces, litter, feed, water and contaminated soils. Dropping wings, loss of appetite, blood-stained diarrhoea, emaciation, high mortality, loss of hair/ acopecia (in rabbit) Proper sanitation, avoid wet litters and feed, change of litter used and general disinfection, use suitable drugs such as amprolium and nitrofurazone in water, treat with coccidiostats.
REDWATER FEVER (PIROPLASMOSIS) Babesia  spp Cattle, Sheep, Goat and Pig It is transmitted through the bite of a vector called Bluetick. Rise in body temperature, loss of appetite, diarrhoea, pale red colour of urine, emaciation and death. Spray with insecticides to kill vector of disease (blue tick), injection of drugs such as Trypan Blue, Babesan or Phenamidine.
General evaluation
  1. State 4 bacterial diseases affecting livestock.
  2. State 2 symptoms of Tuberculosis.
  3. Name 4 animals affected by tuberculosis.
  4. What are the symptoms of fowl typhoid?
  5. List 3 fungal diseases of animals.
  6. Name 3 animals affected by ringworm.
  7. State three diseases caused by protozoa.
  8. What the vector of Piroplasmosis?
  9. Outline three symptoms of Coccidiosis.

 Reading assignment

Essential Agric Science by O. Iwena page 386 -390

Weekend assignment

  1. Which of the following livestock diseases is transmitted by a tick? (a) Coccidiosis (b) aspergillosis  (c) brucellosis (d) red water fever
  1. Which of the following diseases is not caused by protozoa (a) trypanosomiasis (b) Coccidiosis (c) red water fever (d) aspergillosis
  1. When a cattle is observed to be sleeping constantly among the flock, it’s most likely suffering from (a) trypanosomiasis (b) coccidiosis (c) red water fever (d) aspergillosis
  2. The disease that causes abortion in cattle at the later stage of pregnancy is (a) milk fever (b) pneumonia (c) brucellosis (d) foot and mouth
  3. Trypanosomiasis can affect the following animals except for (a) fowl (b) cattle (c) sheep (d) goat


  1. Explain Redwater fever disease under the following headings – causal organisms, animals affected, mode of transmission, symptoms, control.
  2.  State three diseases caused by protozoa.
  3. Name the animals affected in each case.

In our next class, we will be talking about Livestock Ectoparasites Life Cycles.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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