Basketball Officials

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In today’s Physical Education Class, we will be learning about Basketball Officials

Basketball Officials 

basketball officials

Basketball is one of the most popular sports in the world and one of the most widely viewed. It is a team sport that involves two teams of five active players each trying to score points against one another by throwing a ball through a 300 cm (10 feet) high hoop (the ‘basket’) under organised rules. It is played on both indoor and outdoor courts.

The size of the court, height of the basket, size of the basketball, and length of time that the game is played, can all vary according to the age, size and skill level of players.

The officials in basketball are:

  • The referee (chief referee and two other)
  • A timekeeper
  • A scorer
  • A recorder

And basketball officials duties includes: The chief referee is the senior official, and his duties include:

  1. He inspects and approve all equipment
  2. He tosses the ball at the centre to start the play.
  3. He decides whether a goal shall count in case of disagreement.
  4. He decides issues on which the time-keeper and scorer disagree.
  5. He examines and approves the scores at the end of each half, he also makes decisions on any points not covered by the rules.
  • Referees:- The duties of the two referees are combined and includes the following:
  1. They conduct the game according to the rules.
  2. They allow substitutes to come on to the court.
  3. They order a time-out and decide whether they become dead.
  4. They count seconds when a player must play, pass the ball or short.
  • Time-keeper:- His duties are:-
  1. To keep accurate check on the playing time.
  2. To record both the play time and time for stoppages as provided for in the rule.
  • Scorekeeper:- His duties are:
  1. To take down points scored by each player.
  2. He records personal and technical fouls or players.
  3. He signals when the player has a total of five fouls.
  4. He records time-out of each team and informs the teams and referees the number of time-outs each team has had.
  5. Recorder:- He is responsible for recording the scores of each team on the big board.

In summary, Basketball is a team sport that involves two teams of five active players each trying to score points against one another by throwing a ball through a 300 cm (10 feet) high hoop (the ‘basket’) under organised rules.



What is Basketball?


Reading Assignment

Name any two officials in a basketball game


Weekend Assignment

Identify five duties carried out by Basketball Officials. 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about Gymnastics Activities.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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