Welcome to class!
In today’s class, we will be talking more about cultism. Enjoy the class!
Cultism II
Consequences of cultism
- Breakdown of law and order
- Violence and social instability
- Disruption of academic activities
- Disorientation of societal values
- The premature death of a youth who are cult members/innocent victims
- Drug addiction and related health problems
- Embarrassment for families and parents
- Bad image for the individual family and the nation
- Spiritual problems for cultists and their families
- The proliferation of arms and other weapons
- Destroys the future of the youths
- Committing murder and crimes eg armed robbery, rape, kidnapping, among others
- Poor academic performance
- Immoral activities and indiscipline
- Fear
- Hinders development
Preventive measure against cultism
- The government should carry out an enlightenment campaign against cultism.
- Parents should pay more attention to their children up-bringing and educate them properly on acceptable standards of behaviour.
- Students should be encouraged to join religious groups and develop the fear of God because the fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.
- Educational institutions and the government should enact very stiff laws against cultism and strictly enforce such laws.
- Religious organizations should specifically organize their own religious programmes to preach against cultism.
- Authorities of higher institutions should organize regular seminars and sensitization campaigns to enlighten people on the adverse effects of cultism.
- All students should be screened and investigated properly before granting them admission.
- Students should be encouraged to work hard in school.
- Parents should show good examples to their children.
- The teaching and learning environment should be conducive.
- Civil society groups should embark on advocacy programmes against cultism.
- Stiffer punishment for cultist to serve as deterrent to others.
- The media/press should be encouraged to project programmes that would sensitize the youths on the dangers of cultism.
- Sports and recreational activities should be encouraged to engage the youths.
- Students should be responsible enough to shun acts that could lead to cultism eg keeping bad company, drunkenness, use of hard drugs, among others.
- Students should be expelled from school when found out that they belong to a cult group.
- Parents should instil morals in their children/wards.
- Students can also report students who are cult members to the school authorities.
- Security should be introduced on campus.
- Strict measures should be taken against cult members.
- Lecturers/teachers should engage the students in more academic work.
- Counselling units in school should be more effective in assisting cultists to renounce their membership and preventing others from joining.
- Politicians, wealthy and influential members of the society should desist from patronizing, protecting and rendering financial supports to cultists.
- Maximum protection by relevant authorities for cultists who are willing or have renounced their membership.
- Schools should sensitize student bodies against cultism and encourage them to form vanguard groups to resist cult activities.
- Lasting solutions to cultism should be sought by all stakeholders in the education of the child eg parents, teachers, religious leaders, government, among others.
- Definite legislation that will pass a death sentence to anybody found guilty of cult activities on campuses.
- Moral education should be made compulsory in the primary, secondary schools and should also be taught in General studies in tertiary institutions in the country.
- Parents should take time to understand their children, give enough time to listen to them at home and satisfy their emotional, psychological and physical needs.
- Parents should know and watch the friends of their wards. They should also take the time to watch any strange behaviour put up by their wards and also correct them immediately.
Government effort in preventing cultism
- Youth empowerment
- Enacting enabling laws proscribing cultism and other secret societies.
- Newly admitted students are made to take an oath not to belong to any secret cult.
- Expulsion of any student found to be a member of the secret cult from campus.
- Prosecution and sentencing to jail term those found guilty of any cult-related activities.
- Public enlightenment campaign against cultism.
- A constitutional provision prohibiting members of secret societies from holding public offices.
- Encouraging public renunciation of membership of secret societies/cults.
- Introduction of civic education to educate citizens on social vices and other immoral behaviour associated with cultism in schools.
- Enhancing secret presence in schools and colleges.
- Sensitization on traditional, print and social media on the implication of cultism
Reasons why cultism constitute a national problem
- It promotes mediocrity in the national workforce /human capital
- It brings about the breakdown of law and order /Violence in the society/anarchy/chaos in society
- It allows the socio-economic and political structures to be managed by irresponsible citizens.
- It erodes commitment to excellence and hard work.
- It leads to value disorientation/erosion of good values in society.
- It discourages investment/development in society.
- It leads to a fall in educational standards.
- It increases crime rates in society.
- It engenders the illegal proliferation of arms in society.
- It breeds irresponsible citizens.
- It undermines the sense of patriotism/nationalism/commitment to the nation.
- It gives a bad image to society.
- It leads to the spread of blood transfusion-related diseases such as HIV/AIDS.
- It leads to increase in drop-out from school/rising unemployment
Factors hindering the eradication of cultism in Nigeria schools
- Involvement of children/wards of influential parents/guardian in cult activities.
- Involvement of teachers in cult activities.
- Admission of expelled students due to cult activities into other schools/colleges.
- Intimidation of school authorities by a cultist.
- Non-implementation of punishment/sanctions designed for cultists.
- Conducive environment for cult activities/attitude of indifference to cultism by school administrators.
- Godfatherism/backing of cultist by elite or influential members of society.
- General economic hardship/poverty in society.
- Corruption/Injustice.
- Irresponsible parenting/children upbringing.
- The proliferation of illegal arms in society.
- Negative peer pressure/influence.
- Involvement of parents in cult activities.
- Ignorance on the part of students/parents/school administrators.
- A persistent threat to members willing to denounce or expose cult membership/insecurity of victims.
- Strong commitment to the oath of membership by cultists.
Reasons why the eradication of cultism in schools will promote national development
- It will promote the production of experts.
- Right, and responsible citizens will occupy leadership positions.
- It will promote commitment to national development.
- It ensures the security of lives and properties.
- It increases the number of employable youths that contributes to national development.
- It leads to a reduction in crime rates/violence in society.
- It ensures a stable academic calendar/conducive environment for learning in the school system.
- It enhances nationalism/patriotism in society.
- It encourages responsible citizenship.
- It attracts investment/development projects
- It enhances national pride/good image.
- It promotes positive national values.
- It enhances economic prosperity.
- It promotes commitment to excellence.
In our next class, we will be talking about Law and Order. We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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Thanks so much for the notes. They are very educative🐶