Back to: Pre Vocational Studies Primary 5
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Hello, my bright student! I’m so happy to have you back for another important lesson. Today, we’re going to talk about the “damages caused by pests” to crops. We’ve learned about different types of pests, and now we’ll see how they can harm plants and cause problems for farmers. Let’s get started!
Damages Caused by Pest
Pests can cause many different types of damage to crops, depending on the type of pest and the part of the plant they attack. Here are some of the most common types of damage:
1. Damage to Leaves:
- Chewing: Some insects, like caterpillars and grasshoppers, chew on leaves, creating holes or completely consuming them. This reduces the plant’s ability to photosynthesize (make food), which can stunt its growth and reduce yields. Imagine someone eating holes in the leaves of your exercise book – you wouldn’t be able to read or write properly!
- Sucking: Sucking insects, like aphids and leafhoppers, suck sap from leaves, causing them to wilt, curl, or turn yellow. This weakens the plant and can also transmit diseases. It’s like someone sucking all the juice out of an orange, leaving it dry and shriveled.
- Leaf Mining: Some insects, like leaf miners, tunnel inside the leaves, creating tunnels or blotches. This damages the leaf tissue and reduces photosynthesis.
2. Damage to Stems and Roots:
- Boring: Stem borers tunnel inside the stems of plants, disrupting the flow of water and nutrients. This can weaken the plant, cause it to wilt, or even kill it. It’s like drilling a hole in a pipe that carries water to your house – the water won’t flow properly.
- Root Feeding: Some insects and nematodes (tiny worms) feed on plant roots, damaging the root system and affecting the plant’s ability to absorb water and nutrients. This can cause the plant to wilt, become stunted, or die.
3. Damage to Fruits and Seeds:
- Fruit Boring: Some insects, like fruit flies and certain caterpillars, bore into fruits, making them unmarketable and causing them to rot.
- Seed Feeding: Some insects, like weevils and grain moths, feed on seeds, either in the field or in storage. This reduces the viability of the seeds and can cause significant losses for farmers who save seeds for planting the next season.
4. Transmission of Diseases:
- Some pests, especially sucking insects like aphids and leafhoppers, can transmit plant diseases from one plant to another. This can spread diseases quickly through a field and cause widespread crop losses. It’s like someone with a cold sneezing near other people and spreading their germs.
5. Other Damages:
- Galls: Some pests cause abnormal growths called galls to form on plant parts. These galls can disrupt the plant’s growth and development.
- Reduced Quality: Pest damage can reduce the quality of crops, making them less appealing to consumers and reducing their market value.
Let’s use an example. Imagine a tomato farm. If fruit flies attack the tomatoes, they will lay their eggs inside the fruits. The larvae (maggots) will then feed on the tomato flesh, causing it to rot and become unusable. This will result in a loss of income for the farmer.
So, to summarize, pests can cause many different types of damage to crops, including damage to leaves, stems, roots, fruits, and seeds. They can also transmit plant diseases. This damage can significantly reduce crop yields, lower crop quality, and cause economic losses for farmers.
- Can you describe two ways that pests can damage leaves?
- Can you explain how pests can damage fruits and seeds?
Excellent! You’re doing a fantastic job! I’m so proud of your learning.
We have come to the end of today’s class.
In the next class, we shall be talking about the decorative and embroidery stitches.
In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. See you in the next class!
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