Deleting of Document Already Store In The Computer 

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In today’s Store Management’s class, we will be learning about Deleting a Document Already Stored In The Computer.

Deleting of Document Already Stored In The Computer


Deleting of Document Already Store In The Computer

It is true that no one is above making mistakes. Which is why sometimes when writing with a pen you cross out a mistake using the pen or an eraser depending on the length of mistake made. Other times you may wish to get rid of some existing files or movies on your phones so as to have enough space for new movies. Whatever the reason, deleting items exists virtually everyday. 

Deleting documents already stored in a computer is possible even though it is not done with an eraser. Stay with me as we learn the processes involved in deleting documents already stored in the computer. 

The step by step processes involves:

  • To delete a file or folder (or multiple selected files), right-click on the file and select Delete.
  • You can also select the file and hit the Delete key on the keyboard. Deleting a folder deletes all its contents as well.

You may get a dialog prompt that asks if you want to move the file to the recycling bin. If that happens, say yes. If you didn’t get a dialog prompt, the file was still sent to the Recycle Bin. 

(The Mac equivalent is called Trash.) Deleted files are not gone forever; they are sent to the Recycle Bin.

Recycling Bin

recycle bin

Deleted files are not gone forever! When a file is deleted, it is sent to the Recycle Bin. The Recycle Bin can be found on the Desktop. Its icon resembles a recycle bin or trash can, and the icon changes depending on whether the Recycle Bin contains any files.

The recycle bin is a holding place for deleted files. To permanently delete a file, you can delete it again from the Recycle Bin, or you can empty the Recycle Bin. It is recommended you empty the Recycle Bin every once in a while to free up space.

If you delete something by accident, or if you change your mind about a deleted file, you can un-delete it by restoring the file from the Recycle Bin.

To restore or permanently delete a file, right-click on the file and select either Restore or Delete. Deleted files are permanently deleted; restored files are restored to their original location before being deleted.

Right-clicking A File

You can restore or permanently delete individual files or multiple files at once using the Manage option on the toolbar.

Look at the following terms and what they are capable of doing..

  • Empty Recycle Bin: Permanently deletes everything in the Recycle Bin.
  • Recycle Bin properties: Allows you to choose how much space to allot to the Recycle Bin. When the Recycle Bin reaches capacity, it will automatically delete its oldest files. The Recycle Bin properties also have an option to automatically delete files permanently. (Unless you know what you are doing, it is recommended you leave Recycle Bin properties alone.)
  • Restore all items: Restores everything in the Recycle Bin to its former location.
  • Restore the selected items: Restores only the file or files you have selected.

In summary, if you delete something by accident, or if you change your mind about a deleted file, you can un-delete it by restoring the file from the Recycle Bin.


Explain the processes involved in deleting a document stored in the computer. 

Reading Assignment

  • What is a Recycle Bin? 
  • Explain two unique functions of a Recycle Bin

Weekend Assignment

Explain how you can restore a Document deleted from the computer. 


We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about the Importance of Computers.

Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.

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