Introduction to BASIC Programming


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In today’s class, we will be talking about the introduction to BASIC programming. Enjoy the class!

Introduction to BASIC Programming

basic programming language computer science classnotesng

BASIC stands for BEGINNERS ALL-PURPOSE SYMBOLIC INSTRUCTION CODE. It is a single easy to use language designed also for beginners. It is not only simple but also powerful. It is science-oriented. Professor John Kemeny and Thomas Kurtz developed the language in 1964 at Dartmouth College, U.S.A., as a means of teaching students a simple language for programming a computer. The program can be used to solve problem covering a wide range of application on many different types of digital computer. Because the BASIC Language has been designed for ease of use and is readily available on most computers, program development can be achieved in minimum time.

Different versions of BASIC

  • Turbo Basic (T-BASIC)


  1. What is BASIC?
  2. List FIVE versions of BASIC.

The BASIC interpreter

For the computer to execute your instructions to produce the desired result, the instruction must be first be interpreted to what the computer can understand by another program called the BASIC INTERPRETER (or TRANSLATOR). The BASIC interpreter converts your program into a form that can be executed directly by the computer.

Keywords BASIC

This is also referred to as BASIC statement or a reserved word. It is an instruction in BASIC, which has a specific means to the compiler or interpreter.

  1. REM statement:

The REM statement is a remark statement. It is used to insert remarks in the program. Such remarks are used to explain what the program is all about.


10 REM This program finds the average of 5 numbers

  1. LET statement:

The LET statement is used to assign (or give) values to variables.


10 LET A = B + C

  1. INPUT statement:

Input is used to assign or give values to variables while the program is running. It can be used with both numeric and string variables.


10 INPUT A, B, C

  1. PRINT statement:

The print statement tells your computer to display the output of the executed program on the screen of the monitor (VDU).



  1. END statement:

End Statement is an instruction used to terminate the program. One of the computers encounters the END statement, it automatically terminates the program.

50 END

  1. RUN statement:

The RUN statement is used to execute a program. In Q-BASIC, F5 is used to RUN a program. Note that the program will not RUN if any mistake or error is detected in it.

General evaluation
  1. Write the function of the following BASIC keywords (a) LET (b) INPUT (c) PRINT (d) REM         (e) RUN
  2. ……………… converts your program into a form that can be executed directly by the computer (a) Software (b) Interpreter (c) Hardware
  3. What is BASIC?
  4. Write the function of the following BASIC keywords (a) LET (b) INPUT (c) PRINT       (d) REM         (e) RUN


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