Welcome to class!
In today’s class, we will be talking about isometric drawings. Enjoy the class!
Pictorial Drawings: Isometric Drawings
Isometric drawing is defined as a three- dimensional drawing of solid objects. It is a pictorial method of drawing. What you see is what you draw. The three dimensions are the length, width and height.
Isometric axes
The term isometric axis means the lines formed by the 30⁰ set square and the vertical line of any given plane or block to be drawn. The lines that slant at 30⁰ is called the receding lines. The vertical line is also drawn using the side of the 30⁰/60⁰ set square.
The lines drawn are often referred to as projection lines. Apart from the vertical lines, all other lines are inclined at 30⁰ slant.
It is always better to complete the drawing in construction lines (faint lines) first, check that everything is correct before outlining the block given.
Steps involved in isometric drawing
1. Drawing the isometric axes after setting your paper on your board and drawing borderlines and title block,
The following steps below explains how isometric drawing can be achieved:
i. On the lower section of your drawing paper mark a small cross (+).
ii. Using the 30⁰-60⁰ set-square, supported on the T-square, draw the first vertical axis from the intersection of the +.
iii. Turn the set square to the 30⁰ slant with the edge intersecting at the + either to the right or left and draw the first receding axis.
iv. Rotate the set-square until another edge rest as the base on the T-square on the same intersection and draw the second receding axis.
2. Outlining the Edges: Finally, using the HB pencil with moderate pressure, thicken the outline of the given block. You may erase the extra projected lines on your work since they may not be required as part of the given block.
3. Dimensioning: This is the technique of adding the actual size (length, breadth and height) of any block given.
The following steps explain how:
(i). With the aid of the set-square and a little distance from the block drawn, draw faint projections (the projection lines should not touch the block) as the block.
(ii). Rotating the set square appropriately, draw arrowhead lines to indicate demarcations on the given block.
In our next class, we will be talking about DRAWING PRACTICES – OBLIQUE DRAWINGS. We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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Thxs for ur help
such good teaching keep it up
God bless you and if you have any family members 💞🙏🙏♥️♥️