A trapezium is a Four-sided figure with one pair of its Opposite sides parallel. A trapezium is a quadrilateral that has only one pair of parallel sides.


Examples; Consider the area of the following trapezium.

To calculate the area of a trapezium, divide it into a rectangle and two triangles as shown below.

Now, piece together the triangular ends so that the trapezium is divided into a triangle and rectangle.  The base of the triangle is the difference between the lengths of two parallel sides.  That is, a – b.

Area of trapezium = area of triangle + area of rectangle

Or.   A. =  ( a+b)  x h



Find the area of the following trapezium.

a = 20.  b = 14, h = 12


A = a+b/2 x h

= 20 + 14 x 12


= 34/2 x 12

= 17 x 12 = 204cm2



  1. . ABCD is a trapezium in which AB ∥ CD, AD ⊥ DC, AB = 20 cm, BC = 13 cm and DC = 25 cm. Find the area of the trapezium.
  1. The area of a trapezium is 165 cm² and its height is 10 cm. If one of the parallel sides is double of the other, find the two parallel sides.
  2. . Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 24 cm and 20 cm and the distance between them is 15 cm.
  3. The area of a trapezium is 1080 cm². If the lengths of its parallel sides are 55.6 cm and 34.4 cm, find the distance between them
  4. . Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are 24 cm and 20 cm and the distance between them is 15 cm.
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