Weight measures the quantity of mass an object possesses. It tells how heavy or light an object is. Weight is measured in grams (g), kilogram (Kg) and tonnes.

1000mg = 1g

1000g = 1kg

1000kg = 1 tonne



  1. Express in terms of kg and g:

(i) 7548 g

(ii) 15895 g

(iii) 42635 g

  1. Mention equipment used in measuring weight.


Addition and Subtraction of Weight



  1. Find the sum of:

(i) 27 kg 540 g, 24 k g 350 g, 14 kg 380 g

(ii) 69 kg 625 g and 38 kg 770 g

  1. Ruchi weighs 65 kg 16 g and Hannah weighs 40 kg 40 g. How much less is the weight of Hannah than that of Ruchi?
  2.  There are 50 kg of apples in a box. If 2 kg 500 g of these are rotten, find the weight of the remaining apples.

Multiplication and Division of weight

  1. The cost of 1kg of potatoes is N8. What is the cost of 15 kg of potatoes?
  2.  The cost of 1kg of ghee is N160. What is the cost of 500 g of ghee?
  3. The cost of 1kg of butter is $75. What is the cost of 250 g of butter?


  1.  The cost of 100g of cheese is N20. Find the cost of cheese weighing:

(i)  500 g

(ii) 1 k)

(iii) 50 g

(iv)2 kg


  1. If 1 kg of Basmati rice costs $40, find the cost of:

(i) 5 kg of rice

(ii) 500 g of rice

(iii) 100 g of rice

(iv) 15 kg of rice

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