A solid whichb has a central axis of symmetry is a solid of revolution.Forexample, a cone, a cylinder , a vase etc.

Consider the area under a portion AB of the curve y = f(x) revolved about the x axis through four right angle or 3600, each point of the curve describes a circle centered on the x axis. A solid revolution can be thought of as created in this way with the circular plane ends cutting the x – axis at x = a and x = b.

Let v be the volume of the solid for x = a up to an arbitrary value of x between a and b. Given abincreament dx in x , and y takes an increamentdy and v increases by dv.


1. Find the area enclosed byb y = x2 – x -2 and the x axis

2. find  the area under the curve y = x2/3 between x = 2 and x = k is 8 times the area under the same curve between x = 1 and x =2, hence find the value of k.



1.                   A particle moves in astraight line from O until the initial velocity was 2m/s. its acceleration is given by (2t -3)m/s2. Calc. (i) its velocity after 3 secs. (ii) the distance from O when it is momentarily at rest.

2.                   Find the volume of solid revolution when a is  the region bounded by the cuerve y = 2x. and the ordinate at x = 2,and x = 4 and the x axis is revolved by 2π.

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