Back to: Physical Health Education Primary 4
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In today’s Physical Education Class class, we will be focusing on PHE Revision for Second Term
PHE Revision for Second Term
Let’s rewind to some of the topics we learned from our previous term.
Football is the most popular sport in the world and sees opposing teams of 11 players try to score goals primarily by use of the feet.
The aim of football is to score more goals than your opponent in a 90 minute playing time frame. The match is split up into two halves of 45 minutes. After the first 45 minutes players will take a 15 minute rest period called half time. The second 45 minutes will resume and any time deemed fit to be added on by the referee (injury time) will be accordingly.
Football has its roots in ancient China while the modern version of the game began on the streets of mediaeval England. Neighbouring towns would play each other in games where a heaving mass of players would struggle to drag a pig’s bladder by any means possible to markers at either end of town.
Each team consists of 11 players. These are made up of one goalkeeper and ten outfield players.
Essentially the equipment that is needed for a soccer match is pitch and a football. Additionally players can be found wearing studded football boots, shin pads and matching strips. The goalkeepers will additionally wear padded gloves as they are the only players allowed to handle the ball. Each team will have a designated captain.
To score the ball must go into your opponent’s goal. The whole ball needs to be over the line for it to be a legitimate goal. A goal can be scored with any part of the body apart from the hand or arm up to the shoulder.
To win you have to score more goals than that of your opponents. If the scores are level after 90 minutes then the game will end as a draw apart from in cup games where the game can go to extra time and even a penalty shootout to decide the winner.
In summary, in Football, players must use their feet to kick the ball and are prohibited to use their hands apart from goalkeepers who can use any part of their body within the 18 yard box.
Table Tennis
Table tennis is a racket-and-ball sport played between two players or doubles teams, similar to tennis but on a table as its name suggests.
Table tennis includes both individual and team events. Depending on gender, table tennis has singles, doubles, mixed doubles, and team disciplines.
In the Olympic Games, table tennis includes four disciplines: men’s singles, women’s singles, men’s doubles, and women’s doubles.
At the Olympics, athletes compete against each other according to a knockout system. Each match consists of a maximum of seven sets. The athlete who wins four sets first is the winner.
The game is started by one player tossing up the ball, and then hiding the caught ball under the table, the other player must guess which hand the ball is in, the correct or incorrect guess gives the “winner” the option to serve first or have his opponent serve first.
A point is commenced by the player serving the ball by releasing the ball (behind and above the edge of the table) palm up and tossing it at least six inches, and then hitting it, such that it bounces in the half of the court closest to him, then in the opponent’s half.
The opponent must then hit it back so that it bounces in the server’s half (not bouncing in his own half), and then the players alternate playing the ball and having it bounce on the opponent’s side of the table until one makes an error.
Errors can be:
- allowing the ball to bounce on one’s own side twice
- not hitting the ball after it has bounced on one’s own side
- having the ball bounce on one’s own side after hitting it
- having the ball not bounce on the opponent’s side after hitting it (unless the opponent hit the ball before it bounced), and/or
- failing to allow the ball to bounce once on one’s own side—you are not allowed to hit the ball in mid-air over the playing surface before it hits your side of the table.
In summary, Table tennis is a racket-and-ball sport played between two players or doubles teams, similar to tennis but on a table as its name suggests.
First Aid
First aid is vital for saving lives. A person can carry out first aid after a life-threatening incident or injury before the arrival of emergency services.
Here are important things to know about First Aid:
- The aims of first aid are to preserve life, prevent harm, and promote recovery.
- In first aid, ABC stands for airway, breathing, and circulation.
- The recovery position helps minimise further injury.
- CPR stands for cardiopulmonary resuscitation. It helps maintain the flow of oxygenated blood.
- While doing chest compressions, you may hear cracks. This is normal!
Aims Of First Aid
The aims of first aid are:
- To preserve life: Saving lives is the main aim of first aid.
- To prevent further harm: The person who has experienced the injury must be kept stable, and their condition must not deteriorate before medical services arrive. This may include moving the individual away from harm, applying first aid techniques, keeping them warm and dry, and applying pressure to wounds to stop any bleeding.
- Promote recovery: Taking steps to promote recovery may include applying a bandage to a wound.
How To Practise First Aid
The most common term referred to in first aid is ABC. This stands for airway, breathing, and circulation. A fourth step will appear in the emergency procedures for some facilities.
- Airway: Make sure the airway is clear. Choking, which results from the obstruction of airways, can be fatal.
- Breathing: Once the airways are confirmed to be clear, determine whether the person can breathe, and, if necessary, provide rescue breathing.
- Circulation: If the person involved in the emergency situation is not breathing, the first aider should go straight for chest compressions and rescue breathing. The chest compressions will promote circulation. This saves valuable time. In emergencies that are not life-threatening, the first aider needs to check the pulse.
Evaluating and maintaining ABC with a patient depends on the training and experience of a first aider. As soon as ABC has been secured, the first aider can then focus on any additional treatments.
In summary, First aid is an emergency measure, generally consisting of simple, often life-saving techniques that most people can train to perform with minimal equipment and no previous medical experience.
Identify five things that are found in a Football game.
Reading Assignment
- What is Football?
- What is a Table Tennis game?
Weekend Assignment
- What is First Aid?
- Identify two Aims of First Aid
We hope you enjoyed today’s class. In our next class, we will be talking about the Meaning of Middle Distance Races.
Let us know your thoughts and questions in the comment section, and we will attend to them as fast as we can.
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