Presentation Package


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about presentation package. Enjoy the class!

Presentation Package

presentation-software data processing classnotesng

A presentation package is a computer software package that is used to display information usually in the form of a slide show. 

Examples of presentation packages

  1. Microsoft PowerPoint
  2. Macromedia flash
  3. Windows movie maker
  4. Open Office

Uses of the presentation package

  1. As a slide show
  2. In delivering multimedia lectures
  3. In writing a multimedia storybook

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Getting started with PowerPoint

  • Ways to start PowerPoint
  1. Double-clicking the icon on the desktop
  2. Using the Start menu
  • Ways to create a new presentation
  1. Using Blank presentation
  2. Using Templates
  3. Auto Content Wizard

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  • How to insert text

Placeholders are the dotted outline that appears when you create a new slide. These boxes serve as placeholders for objects such as the slide title, text, chart, table, and clip art.

Just click to add text in any placeholder or double click to add the specified object.

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  1. Mention two ways to start a PowerPoint
  2. State two ways to create a new presentation
Features of a presentation package

A presentation package has certain features such as:

  1. Creation of Slides: to create presentations, a group of slides are created. Presentation packages contain slides.
  2. Insertion of Pictures: presentation packages allow users to insert pictures and objects into their presentation from external sources.
  3. Insertion of Video and Audio: presentation packages allow users to insert video and audio into their presentation from external sources.
  4. Animation: this feature makes a presentation package different from other packages. It allows users to create a motion effect on their slides.
  5. Slide Show: this feature makes users view how the group of slides will be displayed. It displays the content to the audience during the presentation.
  6. Creation of Graphics: this feature enables the presentation package to provide users with graphics inform of shapes that can create an object from scratch.
  7. Creating organizational and other Types of Chart: charts such as pie chart, bar chart etc. can be created easily with presentation package.
General evaluation
  1. What is a presentation package
  2. List three examples of a presentation package
  3. State two uses of a presentation package
  4. Describe how you would create a slide in Ms-PowerPoint
  5. Mention two features of a presentation package.

Reading Assignment

Data Processing for senior secondary education by Hiit Plc. Pages 89-95

Weekend Assignment

Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

  1. The following are examples of a presentation package except (a) Ms-PowerPoint (b) Macromedia Flash     (c) Windows Movie Maker (d) Ms-Excel
  1. …….. is the main reason/use of the presentation package.   (a) calculation (b) word processing (c) presentation (d) analysis
  2. ………… package is a software package that is used to display information usually in the form of a slide        (a) graphic  (b) spreadsheet (c) database (d) presentation
  3. is an act of delivering a seminar, talk, lecture etc. to the audience either formally or informally (a) presentation (b) chanting (c) teaching (d) talking
  4. ……… are the dotted outline that appears when you create a new slide (a) slides (b) template (c) placeholder (d) animation


In our next class, we will be talking more about Presentation Package.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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