Volume of a Cone


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the volume of a cone. Enjoy the class!

The Volume of a Cone

The volume of a Cone classnotes.ng

cone is a three-dimensional figure with one circular base. A curved surface connects the base and the vertex.


The volume of a 3 -dimensional solid is the amount of space it occupies.  Volume is measured in cubic units (in³, ft³, cm³, m³, etcetera).  Be sure that all of the measurements are in the same unit before computing the volume.

The volume V of a cone with radius r is one-third the area of the base B times the height h

V = 1/3 Bh or V = 1/3πr²h, where B = πr²

Note: The formula for the volume of an oblique cone is the same as that of a right one.


Find the volume of the cone shown. Round to the nearest tenth of a cubic centimetre.



From the figure, the radius of the cone is 88 cm and the height is 18 cm.

The formula for the volume of a cone is,

V = 1/3πr²h

Substitute 8 for r and 18 for h.

V = 1/3π (8) ² (18)



V = 1/3π (64)(18)



Therefore, the volume of the cone is about 1206.4 cubic centimetres.


In our next class, we will be talking about the Construction of Quadrilateral Polygon.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

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