Web Design Package II


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In today’s class, we will be talking more about the web design package. Enjoy the class!

Web Design Package II

Web Design Packages | classnotes.ng

Component of a web design package

  1. A Solid Layout: In web design, the foundation is your layout. Laying out a web design involves placing all the content and navigational elements.
  2. Effective Typography: It is the flow of the words and a web design’s typography needs to be easy to read and follow while establishing structure and hierarchy within the content.
  3. The Right Color Scheme: Choosing the right colour scheme is extremely important because it will set the mood of your design more so than any other component.
  4. Appropriate Design Elements: Your creativity can go wild here with texture, icons, patterns, etc. However, keep in mind that design elements also play a big role in setting the mood of the design. So keep things consistent with the goals of the website and its audience.
  5. Hit Counter: This gives details about the number of a visitor to a website through a graphic counter.
  6. Advertising Banner: The advertising banner will produce and ad-banner rotator with images of your choice. Ad-banner is usually used to generate revenue and can however be used to rotate many images to create a slide show effects.
  7. Table of Content: This will repeatedly create a page with hyperlinks to each page on your site. The table of content can be used as a site map.
  8. Marquees: A marquee is a text that scrolls across the screen. The marquee is used when you want to draw attention to a certain point.
  9. Scheduled Pictures: This component can be used when you have a limited offer or you want to add variety to your page,
  10. Search Form: This lets one have an easy way to search one’s site.


  1. What is a search form?
  2. Explain the term, Hit Counter.
 General evaluation
  1. List five components of a web design package
  2. Write a short note on the following component of web design package: solid layout, scheduled pictures, marquees and animation button.

Reading assignment

Data Processing for Senior Secondary Education by HiiT Plc. Pages 95-97

Weekend assignment

Instruction: Choose the correct option from the ones lettered  A to D

  1. ___ can be used when you have a limited time offer or you want to add variety to your page (a) scheduled pictures (b) search form (c) marquees (d) animated button
  2. ___ is a text that scrolls across the screen (a) scheduled pictures (b) search form (c) marquees (d) animated button
  1. ___ will repeatedly create a page with hyperlink to each page on your site. (a) scheduled pictures (b) search form (c) marquees (d) animated button
  2. ___ uses a java applet to generate a button that responds to mouse-over movement. (a) scheduled pictures (b) search form (c) marquees (d) animated button
  1. ___ will produce an ad-banner rotator with images of your choice. (a) advertising banner (b) scheduled pictures (c) table of content (d) marquees


In our next class, we will be talking more about Web Design Package.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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