launches amid COVID-19 for Secondary School Students

As part of an effort to ensure COVID-19 does not render our world incapable, is launching to offer secondary school students access to the same education they would have had in the absence of the lockdown.

It was Winston Churchill that said ‘we make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give’. At such a time as this, we must look beyond profit and actively seek creative ways to make an impact. To every health worker, government and philanthropist making their mark, we doff our hat!

During this lockdown period, it is easy for students’ education to take a backseat, due to the state of the world, but an uneducated nation ultimately becomes a relegated nation.

This is why we have decided to launch a novel EdTech product where students can access the class notes they would have required within the four walls of their physical classrooms.


Say hello to – the personal study buddy for every Nigerian student. provides each student freedom to learn subjects and topics they want, when they want it, and even at the pace, they want it. Here, students can access notes for all topics through First Term, Second Term and Third Term in their respective classes. And it is FREE for all to use.

As of today, despite having worked tirelessly to create and deploy curriculum-specific content on this platform, we have only been able to cover Junior Secondary One (JSS 1) subjects but we are working round the clock to ensure we populate the other classes. We have also called for help in order to make this happen. This work is a collective work and together we will come out of this situation better.

It is our earnest prayer that God keep us all safe and make us return to a good world in a few weeks. Help us in spreading the word and directing every Secondary School student, especially those in JSS 1 you know towards the platform.

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6 thoughts on “ launches amid COVID-19 for Secondary School Students”

  1. Oluwaseun Akano

    Wow this is a very good educational site. Although i wish there were videos to accompany it.

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