Classification of Farm Animals 


Farm animals (livestock) can be classified based on four major things: their mode of feeding, their mode of breeding, i.e. how they produce young ones, their habitats, i.e. where they live, and their uses.



  • Do you have a pet in your house? How does it breed? How does it feed?
  • State one major use or benefit of this pet.


Classification of Farm Animals Based on Mode of Feeding

There are two classes of animals under this mode of classification: they are

ruminants and non-ruminants.


Ruminants Animals: These farm animals feed mostly on grass. They are called ruminants because they have four stomachs and they chew the cud. What that means is that the animals eat fresh grass, store it in one of their four stomachs and later bring it back into the mouth to chew again before finally swallowing it.  Examples of such animals are sheep, goat and cow.


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Non-ruminants There are other animals that feed more on tubers, grains, beans and fruits. These animals are called non-ruminants because they have a single stomach and do not chew the cud. Examples of such animals are poultry, pigs and rabbits.

Other farm animals produce their young ones by laying eggs. The eggs later hatch into young ones. Examples are poultry and fish.

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  1. Mention the four major things that can be used to classify farm animal.
  2. Mention the two groups we have if we classify animals based on their mode of feeding.



  1. Differentiate between ruminant and non-ruminant animals.
  2. Give four examples each of the two types of animal mentioned above.






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