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Young farm animals require special care soon after they are born. Growing farm animals also have some specific needs to grow well and be productive. The needs of farm animals include

  1. balanced food,
  2. clean water,
  3. adequate medication and
  4. clean environment.

Let’s look at each of those needs more closely.



What are those areas where young farm animals needs special attention and care so that they can grow into healthy adult animals.


Balanced food: Chicks are the young ones of hens. They are hatched from fertile eggs. Chicks require chick mash. specially balanced food for chicks. Piglets should be allowed to suck milk from their mothers’ teats. Calves also be allowed to suck milk from their mothers, same with Kids(young goats) and lamb(young sheep).


Clean Water:  Clean drinking water should be provided in chick drinkers near the feeding troughs for the chicks.Piglets should be provided with clean drinking water in the creeps. The wallow for the sows should be raised to prevent piglets from getting into it and drowning.Calves should be provided with clean drinking water in the pens and in the field. Same for KIds and lambs.


Adequate Medication: Chicks should be inoculated at the proper time by veterinary doctors. The Gumboro vaccine is usually given to chicks against the Newcastle disease. The doctors should also check them regularly for good health. Sick and dead chicks should be removed from the room immediately. Ame for all young farm animals.


Clean Environment: The environment should be kept clean as follows

  1. Clean the feed and water troughs everyday.
  2. Remove wet sawdust and replace with dry sawdust.
  3. Place a foot mat soaked with disinfectant at the entrance of the chicks’ house.
  4. Put on protective shoes and gloves before entering and handling the chicks.
  5. Keep the surroundings of the building clean from weeds, and well-protected from pests.
  6. For calves, kids and lambs Keep pasture grass low and fresh.



  1. How can a balanced food be provided for young farm animals



  1. Mention five ways to keep the environment of young farm animals clean.
  2. What kind of vaccine should b given to chicks to prevent Newcastle diseases.
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