First Aid and Safety Education – Terminologies in First Aid 


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In today’s class, we shall be talking about the terminologies in first aid. I am trusting you are going to enjoy the class! 

First Aid and Safety Education – Terminologies in First Aid

First Aid and Safety Education - Terminologies in First Aid 

Imagine this: you’re out on a camping trip, enjoying the serene wilderness, when suddenly, a friend twists their ankle on an uneven trail. Panic rises, but then you remember your first aid training. You confidently assess the situation, utilize the appropriate terminology, and provide crucial care until medical help arrives. That’s the power of understanding first aid language!

Terminology: Your First Aid Toolbox:

First Aid and Safety Education - Terminologies in First Aid 

  1. ABCs of First Aid:

Airway (A): This refers to the unobstructed passage of air into and out of the lungs. Common issues include choking, head injuries, and allergic reactions.

Breathing (B): This is the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Signs of difficulty include shallow breaths, rapid breathing, and chest pain.

Circulation (C): This concerns adequate blood flow throughout the body. Indicators include severe bleeding, shock, and cold extremities.

  1. Vital Signs:

Pulse: The rhythmic pressure of blood against your arteries, measured in beats per minute (bpm).

Temperature: The body’s internal heat, typically measured in degrees Fahrenheit (°F) or Celsius (°C).

Respiration: The rate and depth of breathing, measured in breaths per minute (bpm).

3. Injury and Illness Terminology:

Abrasion: A scraped or grazed area of skin.

Laceration: A deep cut or tear in the skin.

Contusion: Bruising or tissue damage caused by a blunt force.

Sprain: A stretching or tearing of ligaments around a joint.

Strain: A pulled or torn muscle.

Fracture: A broken bone.

Hypothermia: Abnormally low body temperature.

Hyperthermia: Abnormally high body temperature.

4. Medical Equipment:

Bandage: A strip of material used to secure dressings and support injuries.

Gauze: Sterile pads used to absorb blood and cover wounds.

Antiseptic: A substance that kills bacteria and prevents infection.

Splint: A rigid support used to immobilize broken bones.

Tourniquet: A band used to compress a major artery to stop severe bleeding (use with extreme caution!).

5. Basic Procedures:

CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, a series of chest compressions and breaths used to restart a stopped heart and lungs.

AED: Automated external defibrillator, a device that delivers an electric shock to restore a normal heart rhythm.

Heimlich maneuver: A series of abdominal thrusts used to dislodge a foreign object from the airway.

Mastering first aid terminology empowers you to confidently navigate emergencies and become a valuable asset in any situation. Remember, even basic knowledge can make a world of difference. So, keep learning, keep practicing, and be the first line of defense for yourself and those around you!

We have come to the end of today’s class. I hope you enjoyed the class!

In the next class, we shall be discussing Importance of first aid treatment. 

In case you require further assistance or have any questions, feel free to ask in the comment section below, and trust us to respond as soon as possible. Cheers!

Question Time:

  1. What are the three ABCs of first aid, and why are they prioritized in that order?
  2. Differentiate between a sprain and a strain. Which one is more likely to cause bone displacement?
  3. You find someone unconscious and unresponsive. What are the immediate steps you should take to assess their condition?
  4. Explain the proper way to apply a bandage to a wound, considering factors like pressure and cleanliness.
  5. You witness someone having a seizure. What should you do, and what should you avoid doing in this situation?
  6. Describe the Heimlich maneuver, step-by-step, and explain when it should be used.
  7. You’re hiking in a remote area when a friend falls and breaks their arm. How would you improvise a splint using available materials?
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