Government Agencies And Regulations


These are various government bodies with the formulation of food standards and laws, their enforcement and implementation. Examples of government agencies are:

Codex Alimentation Commission – an international body (World Food Agency)

Standard Organisation of Nigeria SON – National body

Food and Drug Administration (FDA)

National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control (NAFDAC)

CODEX ALIMENTATION COMMISSION: This is the world organisation that controls the standard of foods and drug would wide. All countries are expected to be members of this body. The commission is jointly sponsored by the food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) and the world health organisation (WHO)


It is a division of the federal ministry of trade and industries set up in 1970. Its functions are:

To formulate standards for the products (manufactured foods) produced within and imported into Nigeria.

To design, establish and approve standard in respect of metrology (weights and measures). Material commodities, structures and processes for the certification of products in commerce and industrials.

To standardize methods and products of industries throughout the country

To provide the necessary measures for quality control of raw materials nd products in conformity with standard specification.

To ensure that manufacturers adhere to government policy and standardization.

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