Rights and Duties of Citizens


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the rights and duties of citizens. Enjoy the class!

Rights and Duties of Citizens

Rights and Duties of Citizens classnotes.ng

What is right and duty?

Rights are Ethical principles of freedom. Duty is an obligation to respect the rights of others and society. Rights and duties are reciprocal. A right is a demand and duty is an expectation. An action constitutes as right or wrong based on the discharge of duty.

Right and duties of citizens

  1. Right to life
  2. Right to life of privacy.
  3. Right to freedom of thought.
  4. Right to freedom of religion.
  5. Right to freedom of speech.
  6. Right to a fair hearing.
  7. Right to personal freedom and liberty.
  8. Right to freedom of movement.
  9. Right to freedom of expression.
  10. Right to vote.
  11. Right to be voted for.
  12. Right to education.
  13. Right to vote for the candidate of your choice.
  14. Right to good health.
  15. Right to participate in political activities.
  16. Right to due process.

Duties of a citizen

  1. To vote during an election.
  2. To obey the law.
  3. To pay taxes and other levies regularly and on time.
  4. Total commitment to a job or vocation.
  5. Safeguard the interest and territorial integrity of Nigeria.
  6. Enlisting in the army when the need arises.
  7. Appearing in court as a witness when invited.

Differences between right and duties

Rights and Duties of Citizens classnotes.ng

Rights and Duties of Citizens classnotes.ng

In our next class, we will be talking about Human Right. We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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3 thoughts on “Rights and Duties of Citizens”

  1. I was asked a question of that ……. is the obligation to respect the rights of others and society and when I picked duty (according to the note) it was marked wrong.

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