The Hand and Feet


Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about the hand and feet. Enjoy the class!

The Hand and Feet

Hand, grasping organ at the end of the forelimb of certain vertebrates that exhibits great mobility and flexibility in the digits and the whole organ. It is made up of the wrist joint, the carpal bones, the metacarpal bones, and the phalanges. The digits include a medial thumb (when viewed with the palm down), containing two phalanges, and four fingers, each containing three phalanges.

the hand

There are 3 major types of bones in the hand itself, including:

The 14 bones that are found in the fingers of each hand and also in the toes of each foot. Each finger has 3 phalanges (the distal, middle, and proximal); the thumb only has 2.

  • Metacarpal bones. The 5 bones that compose the middle part of the hand.
  • Carpal bones. The 8 bones that create the wrist. The 2 rows of carpal bones are connected to 2 bones of the arm–the ulna bone and the radius bone.

The foot is the lowermost point of the human leg. The foot’s shape, along with the body’s natural balance-keeping systems, make humans capable of not only walking, but also running, climbing, and countless other activities.

the feet

The largest bone of the foot, the calcaneus, forms what is commonly referred to as the heel. It slopes upward to meet the tarsal bones, which point downward along with the remaining bones of the feet.

The bones of the foot are organized into rows named tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges. These make up the toes and broad section of the feet. The other bones of the foot that create the ankle and connecting bones include:

  • Tibia
  • Fibula
  • Talus
  • Cuneiforms
  • Cuboid
  • Navicular

Care of hand

  • The hand should be washed thoroughly after visiting the toilet.
  • It should be washed before and after each meal.
  • Rub hand lotion on your hand after washing.
  • Use hand gloves for carrying heavy loads.

    washing of the hand

Care of the feet

  • Your socks should be clean always.
  • Toenails should be cut and clean.
  • Go for medical treatment in case of complaints.
  • Wear good sensible shoes and it should be in good condition.

    foot washing

Common foot problems include:

  • Athlete’s foot:

Athlete’s foot is a fungal infection of the skin, usually found between the toes. However, the infection can spread and cause significant discomfort, itching, and even pain.

  • Claw toe:

Claw toe, also known as claw foot, is when the first toe joint points up and the second toe joint points down. Sometimes this condition is present from birth, other times it appears suddenly. For some people it causes no discomfort, for others, it can be painful.

The condition occurs when the plantar fascia on the bottom of the foot becomes inflamed. This ligament is responsible for supporting the foot’s arch.

  • Stone bruise:

Stone bruises are also called metatarsalgia. They can appear after high-impact exercises or because of wearing poor-fitting shoes; alternatively, they can be a sign of an underlying condition.

Other includes:
  • Diabetic foot ulcers
  • Foot pain


In our next class, we will be talking about the Skin.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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