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In today’s class, we will be talking about the characteristics of a physically fit person. Enjoy the class!
Characteristics of a Physically Fit Person
Being physically fit depends on how well a person fulfils each of the components of being healthful.
Fast facts on fitness
Maintaining physical fitness can help prevent some diseases. With exercise, body composition can change without changing weight. Athletes’ hearts show different changes depending on their chosen sport.
Muscle strength increases by fibre hypertrophy and neural changes. Stretching to increase flexibility can ease several medical complaints. Being physically fit depends on how well a person fulfils each of the components of being healthful.
When it comes to fitness, these components include:
- cardio-respiratory fitness
- muscular strength
- muscular endurance
- body composition
- flexibility.
Following are the characteristics of a physically healthy individual-
A physically healthy person maintains a normal weight:
A healthy individual always maintains adequate weight. He is neither underweight nor overweight or obese. Weight plays a very important role in maintaining health. Body of underweight or overweight individuals do not work efficiently and as result deficiencies and disorders make a room in the body which is a calling bell for sickness. A healthy individual maintains normal weight which is ideal for his height.
Flawless skin:
Skin reflexes inner health of an individual. If a person is healthy then definitely his skin will appear to be clear, blemish-free and firm. No sort of rashes or indentations can be seen on the skin. Healthy skin does not store up excess water leading to swelling on the face. Pimples, stretch marks, blemishes, excessively oily or dry skin, indentations, swelling, rashes, redness are all signs of unhealthy skin and improper functioning of internal organs.
Healthy eyes:
Eyes of a physically healthy individual appear to be clear. No redness or yellowish discolouration can be seen. The skin around eyes remain blemish-free and there will be no signs of dark under-eye circles. Also, the skin around the eyes does not show signs of puffiness or sogginess. Pupils remain of their normal size and do not show signs of dilation or constriction. Blinking count is normal along with eye movements. There will be no erratic movements and wild stares.
Healthy hair:
Like skin, hair health too reflects inner health of a person. Recurrence of dandruff, hair fall, brittle hair, too oily or too much dryness in hair, split ends are all signs of underlying diseases or deficiencies in the body. Not only physical sickness causes hair problems but mental ill-health like too much stress and tension too result in hair related problems. A healthy person always enjoys shine and lustre in hair and never faces hair loss, dandruff or other hair related problems. The texture of hair remains fine along with normal oil secretion preventing hair from becoming too oily or too dry.
Response time is normal:
Response time of a physically fit individual is quick i.e., he displays quick reflexes. If reflex time is prolonged then this indicates underlying causes which are delaying reflexes and this is not a good sign.
Respiration is normal:
Respiration process i.e., inhalation of oxygen and exhalation of carbon dioxide of a physically healthy person is stable. It is neither increased nor decreased abnormally. His respiration cycles are regular and within normal range which is 12 to 20 breaths/minute. This ensures that his lungs and his overall respiratory system are working efficiently and this is because there is an even flow of oxygen inside the body.
Disease-free body:
The most important characteristic of a healthy person or a healthy body is that it is free of diseases. Health and sickness contrast to each other. Even if slight sickness is present in the body then it cannot be called or termed as healthy. An individual who shows no signs of any sickness or diseases present in him along with no signs of even slightest form of the disorder will be called as physically fit. Even slight sickness or disorder takes away that tag of been called as physically healthy.
In our next class, we will be talking about Exercise to Develop Strength, Endurance and Flexibility. We hope you enjoyed the class.
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