Introduction: Poultry refers to the group of birds reared for food and other purposes. These include domestic fowls turkeys, goose, guinea fowls and ducks. These birds are reared mainly for meat, eggs and manure. They are non-ruminants.


Terminology Used in Poultry male fowl above one year of age.


Cock – male fowl above one year of age.


Cockerel – male fowl below one year of age.


Hen – female fowl above one year of age.


Pullet – female fowl below one year of age.


Chick – A young fowl (0-6 weeks old).


Capon – A castrated male fowl.


Caponisation – Process of castration in fowl.


Treading – Act of mating in fowl.


Grower – fowl between 7 and 19 weeks of age.


Layer – female fowl over 20 weeks of age that can lay eggs.


Broiler – fowl reared for meat.


Clutch – A group of young chicks.


Flock – A group of fowls.


Chicken – meat of fowl.


BREEDS OF DOMESTIC FOWLS The various species of fowl may have had a common ancestor, the primitive fowl called


Gallus Gallus: From the outset, poultry was grouped into two major types. These are:


(a) The Pullet: These groups of poultry were reared mainly for egg production. They were kept for about 1-1.5 years


(b) The Broiler: These groups of poultry were kept mainly for meat production and they were kept for about 6-8 months.


Poultry birds are generally grouped into three major breeds which are (1) The egg producer, (2) The meat producers and (3) The dual purposes.


(1) The Egg Producers: These Breeds of fowl are reared mainly to provide eggs for human consumption and other purposes. Examples include the white leghorn and brown leghorn.


(2) The Meat Producers: These birds also called the broilers, are reared mainly to provide eggs for human consumption and other purposes. Examples include the Sussex, Cornish and Cochin.


(3) The Dual Purpose Birds: These fowl are reared both for egg and meat production. Rock and New Hampshire.


Examples include Rhode Island Red, Plymouth

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