

Welcome to class! 

In today’s class, we will be talking about conflicts. Enjoy the class!



Conflict occurs when there is a disagreement between two or more individuals or group and usually involves violence. Conflict can also mean a clash of interest or lack of harmony producing quarrelling or antagonism.

There are four main types of conflict:

  1. Interpersonal conflict.
  2. Intrapersonal conflict.
  3. Intergroup conflict.
  4. Intragroup conflict.
  • Interpersonal conflict:

This is a type of conflict that exists between two people because individuals have different perspectives and different views. It is normal to have conflicts or disagreement on issues.

  • Intrapersonal conflict:

This type of conflict occurs within an individual. It occurs within a person’s mind, it is therefore psychological. Intrapersonal conflict happens when an individual wants to take a major decision.

  • Intergroup conflict:

This occurs when disagreement occurs between two or more groups and their members. It may involve physical violence, tension, hostility; between the groups e.g. conflict between two racial groups (Igbo and Hausa).

  • Intragroup conflict:

This conflict occurs between two or more members of the same group or team. This happens mostly as a result of lack of coordination between team/ group members, e.g. differences in personal values of team members.

Causes of conflict

  1. Lack of common understanding.
  2. Poor communication skills.
  3. Lack of proper planning.
  4. Differences in personal interest, aims and goals.
  5. Bullying and harassment.
  6. Manipulations and preferential treatment.
  7. Lack of equal opportunities.

Consequences of conflict

Conflict can bring about positive and negative effects, mostly the negative side outweighs the positive.

  1. Change: Conflict may bring about a change whereby new policies will be formulated and implemented to address issues causing the conflict.
  2. Wastage: Conflict may lead to wastage of resources and time, and sometimes loss of property and lives.
  3. Breakdown of law and order.
  4. Conflicts lead to insecurity and unhappiness.
  5. It leads to economic depression and labour migration.
  6. Lack of peace and harmony.
  7. Psychological trauma.
  8. Marital and emotional disturbances.
  9. Poor productivity and lack of development.

Non-violent methods of resolving conflicts

  1. Group or mass petitions, i.e. a formal written request for judicial action.
  2. Communicating the problem through Newspapers and journals, banners, posters, pamphlets and books.
  3. Protest meeting.
  4. Students strike
  5. General industrial strike.
  6. Economical shutdown.
  7. Civil disobedience of laws.

Reasons why the resolution of conflict enhances national peaceful coexistence

  1. It stabilizes the political system of a nation.
  2. It promotes national integration and oneness in all spheres of life of the citizens.
  3. Ability to tolerate each other especially in a multi-ethnic society like Nigeria.
  4. It boosts the economic system of the nation.
  5. It produces good and credible leaders who can rule the nation adequately.

Attributes required for conflict resolution

  1. Agreement from both parties to resolve the conflict.
  2. The neutrality of the party resolving the conflict (avoid taking sides).
  3. Acknowledging the problem or the issue that brought about the conflict.
  4. The problem should be focused on, not the people.
  5. Seek common ground to resolve the conflict.
  6. Patience and tolerance of both parties are required and for the conflict resolver.


In our next class, we will be talking about Self-Esteem.  We hope you enjoyed the class.

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

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