Welcome to Class !!
We are eager to have you join us !!
In today’s Cultural and Creative Arts class, We will be discussing Dance Drama and Rehearsals. We hope you enjoy the class!
Dance is the rhythmic movement to music.
Theatrical dance
This is also referred to as a concert or performance dance. It is formally choreographed type of dance used to tell a story accompanied by mime, costume and scenery, or just dance expression interpreting the musical beat and genre.
Participatory dance: this is a type of dance that is primarily engaged in for social interaction or exercise
Uses of Dance
- To interpret a genre of music
- To exercise
- To entertain
- To impact cultural morals
- To complement a cultural celebration
- To build confidence
- For fitness and health uses
- As a medium for competition
- To enact spiritual rituals
- To motivate team cooperation
- As a tool for imparting knowledge and education
- For the soul pleasure of the dancer
Drama is a written work of art primarily be performed on stage in front of an audience. Its enactment on stage is a collaborative and public process, involving input from producers, directors actors, designers of lighting, sound, costume, make- up and the audience. Every performance of a play or drama is different, with each involving unique interpretation of the script.
Plot and Structure in Drama
In drama, the plot is the conceptualization, selection and arrangement of action, unified by a sense of purpose that aligns characters, storyline and theme. Drama is written in acts and scenes which emphasizes on the phases of the plot, propelled by dramatic irony or the fulfilment of a plan or action.
Drama techniques
- Basic role play technique
- Basic improvisation technique
- Presentation skills
Basic role-play techniques
- Hot seating
- Monologue
- Exaggerated movement
- Mime
- Duologue
Basic improvisation techniques
- Tableaux
- Thought tracking
- Makeup
- Costume improvisation
- Setting and location
- Character substitution
Presentation techniques
- Flashback
- Flash forward
- Sound collage
- Symbolism
- Slow-motion
Techniques used during drama rehearsals
- Reading
- Run-through
- Inner thoughts
- Blocking
- Dressing
- Masks and neutrality
- Vocal exercise
- Steps
- Non-verbal communication with gestures
- Emotional movements and expressions
We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
We have come to the end of this term.
It’s been a remarkable journey and we are glad that you have made it this far. For making it this far, we commend you for being resilient, you have taken charge of your education and future.
The Journey still continues though, we are moving on to Third term. we hope to see there.
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Very nice good job and thanks for the note it really helped me in my examination