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In today’s Cultural and Creative Arts class, We will be discussing Graphic Design. We hope you enjoy the class!


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Graphic Design

Graphic design is the art and practice of visual communication and problem solving through the use of space, types, images and colour. It is a branch of applied arts. Graphic design is used to refer to both the process of designing and the result of an art product. Graphic design can be categorized into two.

  • Still graphic: which is related to all printed matter
  • Motion graphic: which has to do with videos and movies.


Lettering: This is also referred to as typography, is the art and technique of letter and arrangement to make write language legible, appealing and readable in-display lettering deals with the letter as seen in alphabet A-Z. it is the arrangement of letters in different typefaces and varied point sizes, italics or block letters in the arrangement of letters, spacing is very important to build balance in the lettering as they relate to each other. For effective lettering, leading, kerning and tracking spaces need to be explored at different occasions for adequate construction and arrangement of letters. Kerning is the space between two specific letters or characters, tracking is the space between all letters or characters used, while leading is the line spacing used in the layout.

Page layout: This is an aspect of graphic design which deals with the arrangement of the creative such as image, texts, motifs, shapes, colours on a page.

Spacing: proper letter or word spacing is a major factor in creating text communication that appears even inviting and easy to read.

Letter/ Word Spacing Comparison

  1. Character or the letter or typeface
  2. The point size of the letter
  3. Proportionate distribution of kerning, tracking and leading


Importance of lettering

The art of lettering is the driving force in all forms of communication


Classification of letters

Letters can be classified into four basic groups namely serifs, san-serifs and decorative styles

Serif: This can also be referred to as Roman, as one of the groups of letters with a small decorative line added as embellishments to the basic form of the character they are usually perpendicular projects found in the points of letters, is usually rendered with two crossbars. Serifs are effective for horizontal intensive reading as they help the eye station the line while reading thereby making reading to be faster and effortless.

San-serif: San-Serif is to referred to as gothic, is of a group of letters that do not have the decorative lines across the top and the bottom of the letter that do not have the decorative lines across the top and the bottom of the letter. They are simply letters without serif. San-Serifs are efficient for vertical- intensive word scanning because it is easier to jump from line to line and scan for specific words or characters without the serifs.

Script: Scripts are derived from handwriting or calligraphy. They are more fluid than traditional letters and are seen to offer a wide variety of words and characteristics. Types of scripts include formal, casual, calligraphic, black letter and Lombardic.

  • Formal scripts are very fluid and graceful with connecting strokes. They are efficient for an elegant, stately look. They are also used creatively for headlines and other brief applications.
  • Casual scripts are needed to give the feel friendliness or looseness in communication. They are used to convey warmth, relaxation, personal and informal messages.
  • Calligraphic scripts are called imitating calligraphic writing. They can be rendered in connecting or non- connecting pattern.

Decorative: Decorative letters popular for signage, headlines.  Decorative letters are characterized by their unorthodox letter, shapes, distinctive and dramatic outlook.

classification of typefaces creative arts classnotesng


Elements of good lettering

  1. Consistency: in the construction and arrangement of letters, the consistent use of a family of letters, kerning, tracking, leading and all distribution of letters is a major advantage towards achieving good lettering. Consistency makes the work look professional and keeps the reader focused on the content through a balanced distribution of spacing and suitable choice of letters.
  2. Hierarchy: this ensures that the letters in a text communication are readable in the order that it is meant to be read.
  3. Alignment: this helps to keep the look of letters in a text communication unified. It also gives a feel of sophistication when suitably applied.



We have come to the end of this class. We do hope you enjoyed the class?

Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.

In our next class, we will be talking about Textile Design. We are very much eager to meet you there.


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