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In today’s class, we will be talking about an introduction to the worldwide web. Enjoy the class!
Introduction to the World Wide Web
The internet
Internet is defined as a global electronic communication network. It is one of the largest networks that link the trillions of computers all over the world. You can access this network via communication devices and media such as modems, cable, telephone lines and satellite.
The Internet is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link several billion devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope, linked by a broad array of electronic, wireless, and optical networking technologies.
The internet offers many conveniences at your fingerprints. You can send messages to others, meet new friends, bank, invest, shop, fill a prescription, file taxes, take online courses, play games, listen to music or watch a movie on the internet, the advantage of the internet is that you can use it from a computer anywhere in the world.
Success today in the business world requires knowledge of the internet. Without it, you are missing out on a tremendous source for goods, services, information and, communication.
Here are some of the things one can do on the internet.
- Banking called E-banking or Internet Banking
- Invest
- Shop for goods and services
- Watch movies
- Download and listen to music
- Access Educational material e.g.
- Access source of entertainment and leisure, such as online games, magazines or vacation planning guide
- Access other computer and exchange files, share and edit a document with others in real-time
- Provide information, photographs or audio or video clips
History of the internet
The history of the internet begins with the following
- ARPANET: The US defence department created a project called Advanced Research Project Agency (ARPA) in the late 1960s, which was to work as a network that would allow scientist and military personnel to exchange information in war scenario without disruption in communications. The network was connected in a way which ensured that if one section of the network was damaged, the remaining computer on the network would still be able to communicate with each other. This network was called ARPANET. By 1984, ARPANET had more than 1,000 individual computers linked as hosts.
- NSFNET: In 1986, the national science foundation (NSF) connected its huge network of five supercomputer centre called NSFNET, to ARPANET. They used the technology developed for ARPANET to allow universities and schools to connect to each other. By 1987, NSFNET could no longer handle the amount of information that was being transferred. The national science foundation improved the network to allow more information to be transferred. This configuration of the complex came to be known as the internet. Most of the people accessing the internet until the late 1980s were scientist and researchers. In the early 1990s, many companies started to offer access to home users. This allows anyone with a modem and a computer to access the internet.
- WORLDWIDE WEB: The World Wide Web was created in the early 1990s by European organization for nuclear research. The goal of WWW was also to allow researchers to work together on projects and to make project information easily accessible. The first publicly accessible website was created in 1991. By the mid-1990s, over 30 million people had access to the internet. Reach this huge market, most big companies created their own sites on the World Wide Web or provide information about their products. Now there are a thousand companies on the web.
- Define the Internet.
- List 5 examples of things that can be done on the internet.
- Describe the history of the internet.
- What is a web server?
- What is the full meaning of HTTP?
In our next class, we will be talking more about Introduction to the World Wide Web. We hope you enjoyed the class.
Should you have any further question, feel free to ask in the comment section below and trust us to respond as soon as possible.
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Good one.