Maintenance Of Materials Used In Technology


One of the major reasons that makes materials damaged easily is the lack of maintenance. So, the purpose of maintenance is to ensure that our equipment or instruments are in good working condition always. Hence, maintenance is an activity that should be carried out on regular on a regular basis.

Importance of maintenance

  1. Keeping instruments or materials in good conditions help to keep materials in good shape.
  2. It decrease waste of money on materials
  3. It helps materials last longer
  4. Saves us from embarrassment
  5. Save us also from accidents or any danger while in use

Ways of maintaining materials

  1. Polishing
  2. Dusting
  3. Mopping
  4. Replacing faulted parts
  5. Varnishing


  1. What are the importance of maintenance?
  2. List 3 ways you can maintain materials
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