Belief in destiny
Islam tells us that every human of life and existence has been preordained by Allah right before his birth.
Child’s responsibilities to parent
Duties and responsibilities of child toward their parents is greatly emphasis by all religion. According to the prophet (S.A.W) the parent of certain person are his heaven or his hell. If he disrespect them, ignore their needs or cause them, his place shall be in hell.
Some are the responsibilities of a child his/her parent according to Islamic teaching
To be obedient to them
To always show them kindness
To treat them respectfully
Provision of physical comfort and mental peace especially during their old age
Provision of the material needs
How these responsibilities affect their lives
Treating our parents kindly and with respect is almost equal to worshipping Allah
Shrugging off responsibilities of old parents serve as to hell
To serve them devotedly at that stage of their lives is the best way to pleasing Allah
It is also the easiest way to paradise
Those who treat and obey their parents can be rest assured that their children will also show them kindness and compassion to them
To abuse ones parent is a sin.
Responsibilities to their relatives
Provision of material needs
Keeping constants touch with them
Partaking in family rites and celebration
Showing them love and compassion

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